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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 14, April 1, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. After eliminating two additional email addresses with persistent delivery problems, our subscriber count drops to 370. If anyone is in contact with Paul Landsberg or Arthur Crawmer, please ask them to contact me. GRADY MAIL BID SALE Orville J. Grady's mail bid sale XXV of numismatic literature closes April 11th. Featuring the library of John Twente, the sale includes many works on Greek and Roman coinage, such a five-volume set of an Angelo Geissen catalog, and a "nearly complete run of both Numismatic Auctions and The Celator." Mr. Grady may be reached at gradybooks@qwest.net BOURNE AUCTION #13 Remy Bourne's 13th public auction & mail bid sale of numismatic literature will be held at the Chicago International Coin Fair in Rosemont, IL April 27-28, 2001. The sale features the library of Dr. Donald G. Tritt and consignments from David C. Amey and others. For more information, contact Remy at remybook@qwest.net GREEK NUMISMATIC LITERATURE AUCTION Antiquarian bookseller Acropolis of Athens has thousands of lots of interest to numismatic bibliophiles in their upcoming auction, which closes on April 20th. The sale features the library of the late Dr. Diamandis Simitopoulos of Kariakion. Included are TWO complete original sets of the Sylloge Nummorum Graecorum, each heavily annotated with detailed notes and corrections (one in English, the other in Greek). Other notable lots include: an original 1855 set of "Numismatique d'Alexandre le Grande" by Ludwig Mueller; an original 1858 copy of "Les monnaies d'Athenes" by E. Beule; a complete run of Ars Classica sales, all but ten priced and named. For more information, see their web site: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Acropolis/1465/april.html SUIT AGAINST BUTTREY DISMISSED In a copyrighted article, Michael E. Marotta reports: "On December 13, 2000, the United States District Court Southern District of New York (500 Pearl Street, 10007) dismissed Civil Action No. 00CV3233 for lack of personal jurisdiction. The libel suit brought against Prof. Theodore V. Buttrey by Stack's LLC and John Jay Ford, Jr., asked $6 million in damages. The court ruled that it could not hear the case because the law cited by the plaintiffs did not apply to the matter. Lawyers for John Ford and Harvey Stack claimed damages under 28 USC 1332(a) and 28 USC 1391(b). The court agreed with Buttrey's attorney that since the defendant does not buy or sell as a merchant in New York the complaint lacked merit. The matter goes back to the so-called "Great Debate" at the ANA 1999 Anniversary Convention in Rosemont, Illinois. The encounter was an argument -- not exactly an academic debate, since it lacked a proper Question and other formalities -- at the Numismatic Theater presentation. The subject was the authenticity of several hundred "Western Assay Bars" discovered and/or sold by Ford to several collectors and through several dealers including Stacks LLC of New York. Prof. Buttrey claimed in publications and lectures for the American Numismatic Society that these objects are modern fabrications and not artifacts of America's pioneer West. Buttrey also condemned several bars sold by Ford allegedly from the Mexico Mint of Spain in the 1700s." DIE MANUFACTURE IN THE MIDDLE AGES Perhaps one of our subscribers can assist this gentlemen, who sent the following email. His address is: JODYMEDCALFhome@aol.com "I belong to a group doing living history of the middle ages (600>1600AD) and I need some help with research I am doing. I am trying to document the specifics on the materials, tools, and techniques used to produce the dies used in making hammered coinage. I already have several books on the subject but the best I can find on die production is "the iron stock was stamped and engraved to made the dies". This leaves quite a few gaps and unanswered technical details. I have in the past done wax carvings and had bronze dies cast. While these satisfy the curiosity of elementary students I do not feel they are proper to present in our demonstrations to the public at large. If you could suggest any references with extensive details about die production or someone knowledgeable in this area I would be grateful! Thank-you, Ira Medcalf, Ft.Worth, Texas, USA" GLENN MOONEY AND W. W. WOODSIDE John W. Adams writes: "I was saddened to hear about Glenn. He was the right hand man of my longtime friend, Bill Woodside. Bill and Glenn really put Carnegie's numismatics on the map, only to have the rug pulled out when the Museum decided to de-access the collection. This decision broke Bill's heart and probably Glenn's as well. One addition to your eloquent description of the man: his monograph on Washington Before Boston was and is the definitive work on an otherwise confusing succession of dies. The monograph was authored with his characteristic sense of humor, so it makes good reading even for non-medal-collectors. [Editor's note: at Mooney's funeral, a longtime friend and coworker related this story about Glenn's impish sense of humor: The two of them had nearby offices at Westinghouse, and they shared the services of a secretary. One day she brought in a nice new container to store the coffee she brewed each day. Some weeks later she came to him quite confused, unable to understand why a can of coffee that used to last two weeks was still unfinished six weeks later. "Let's ask Mr. Mooney," he said. Glenn gave her a long story about how sometimes lightning hits a mountaintop in Columbia, and it imbues the coffee with special properties. "The air hits it, and it just gets rejuvenated". He really had her going until it came out that each night before leaving the office, he'd been spooning in more coffee from cans he had hidden in his office.] CHARLES TOWN SOCIAL CLUB Adams also asks: "Can any of your web sleuths find some reference to the Charles Town Social Club, which issued a rare token in 1763? The "Charles Town" in question is the one in South Carolina - spelling at that time differed from today's." AARON FELDMAN ADS FOUND Mark Borckardt pointed out an Aaron Feldman ad for Ron Guth, in The Numismatist for February 1970, page 234. Pete Smith writes: "Several years ago I attempted to find Feldman's first use of "Buy the Book Before the Coin." The earliest example I could find was his ad in the March 1966 issue of The Numismatist. Of course, identifying anything as the first occurrence gives Joel Orosz the opportunity to find an earlier example." THE EXPANDING LIBRARY Regarding our discussions of how libraries intrude on living space, Henry Bergos writes: "I had one of the workmen in my building come in and turn my five foot wide clothes closet into book shelves -- 90 feet of shelving!!! The linen closet has the books on British coins. Being clothing challenged, mine all fit in the coat closet. Has anyone considered an addition to the house? Mine can extend over a NYC street as I often duck when a plane flies low." WEALTHIEST MAN IN THE SOUTH In the category of "things found while looking for other things" is this 1881 newspaper article about a hoarder of Confederate currency. The web site it came from isn't well organized or maintained, so I've taken the liberty of copying the text verbatim to preserve it in case the site goes away. The address of the web page is: http://www.oldekinstongazette.com/confedmn.htm Bushels Of Confederate Money Kinston Journal December 1, 1881 A Griffin, Georgia correspondent of the Atlanta Constitution writes as follows concerning Mr. J.W. Corbin, a citizen of Griffin: Some years ago he took a peculiar notion that Confederate money and bonds would some day be worth something; so he went to work and bought them up in large quantities, paying cash for a considerable amount and bartering meal from his mill for the balance. He gave a bushel of meal for a thousand dollars, and many a wagon load of that food has been hauled away from his door. Many people, of course, regarded the notion as rather cranky, but to those Mr. Corbin have no heed, going right along and buying every dollar he could take and scrape. There is really no telling how much Confederate money he has. Those who know, or seem to know, say he has between seven and eight million, beside several hundred thousand dollars in bonds. When asked at a bank how much his bonds were worth he replied: "Well, I have $125,000 in one box, and that isn't all, by a lot." And so he has gone right on this way for years. He has had letters from all over the country, and he has bought the stuff right and left, from far and near. As already stated, no one knows just how far exactly his freak has extended, and he may have $50,000,000 for all I know. Mr. Corbin is considerably stirred up by the recent demand in London, and seems satisfied he is on the right track to an immense fortune. He is not considered at all shaky in the upper story by his friends, though they cannot, of course, understand his strange fascination about Confederate money. He has always been considered a solid citizen, and is in good circumstances now, but will be the wealthiest man in the South, if his dream is ever realized." NUMISMATICS AND HISTORIANS Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort writes: "Mr. Rachtootin makes an interesting point about historians taking little interest in numismatics; as a sometime history lecturer at Penn State’s New Kensington, PA Campus, I think I might make a couple of comments. First, the interest of historians, like any other research field, is ignited when material is available. The brutal fact is that most numismatic publications are so obscure that few academic libraries make any real effort to get them. To be honest, aside from the ANA and ANS does anyone know of a research institution which has The Asylum in its collection? There is also the question of the amount of evidence. The reason ancient and medieval historians work with coinage is that so little evidence from before the thirteenth century survives. For example, lets take the case of the Social War (c.90-88 BC). This civil war between the Roman Republic and a coalition of Italian city states had repercussions that lasted for generations afterwards. However, no contemporary account survives. Our chief sources are Plutarch (especially his lives of Sulla and Marius) writing almost 300 years later and a highly condensed outline of lost books of the historian Livy (Livy wrote two generations after the war but the epitome was probably made in the third or fourth century AD). The only contemporary evidence for the government of the Socii (Latin for Allies, hence "Social War) are a couple of very fragmented inscriptions and the coinage. If one is going to examine this conflict then one must look at the coins in depth, if for no other reason than there is little else. This case is true for much of the ancient and medieval world. Government records and contemporary historical accounts do not really begin to survive in bulk until the 13th century and later. Coinage is the one historical evidence that survives in appreciable quantities before this period. However, if one looks at the American Civil War (1861-1865) the amount of evidence is staggering. Even if you had as much money as Bill Gates and as much free time as John Burns you could not even begin to go through all the primary sources in your lifetime -- forget the secondary sources. If you are studying this period the coinage and paper money is a very small piece of a giant iceberg. The historian must pick and choose and at the moment questions regarding currency, coinage and tokens have not attracted attention. For historians to become interested in modern coinages you need people at graduate schools to become interested. The quickest way would be to endow a chair or two in Monetary History at a couple of Universities. The holders of these chairs would publish articles and books on the subject and their graduate students, when they find jobs, will continue to expand the research boundaries. Another way to get the academic world interested in coinage would be for numismatists to publish articles in historical journals. However, it is time for the historian in me to bite back. While numismatists often rightly claim that historians take little note of them the reverse is also true. I have read many numismatic works where the author demonstrates a shocking lack of the understanding of the use of historical documents or the society which produced the coinage, paper monies or tokens being discussed. Numismatists have to learn to quit relying on third hand works, many of which are very out of date, and actually dig into the primary source material. A few well researched articles on American Civil War tokens published in prominent journals would begin to stimulate interest among historians." W. B. YEATS AND NUMISMATICS Michael E. Marotta writes: "Your question about Nobel Laureate numismatists should have been common knowledge to all E-Sylum participants. My "Money Talks" script has appeared on rec.collecting.coins several times since 1996, though not this year. I found Yeats' monograph in the stacks at the MSU library when I lived in central Michigan. I shamelessly xeroxed it for (ahem) "fair use." If there are two correct answers to the question, then I would give credit to Mommsen. He was more of a numismatist. Yeats' interest was cursory at best." [Editors note: Mr. Marotta's script is #901 in the ANA Money Talks series. It is titled "Ireland's Poet Laureate"] CONTACTING CHARLES OPITZ Charles J. Opitz, author of "An Ethnographic Study of Traditional Money" (covered in last week's E-Sylum), may be reached at this address: OpitzC@aol.com AUCTION HOUSE SHORTHAND Mark Borckardt writes: "In response to the discussion regarding three letter codes for auction, I have been using such a system for several years to record data on prices realized for such things as patterns, medals, Hawaiiana and other items. Most of this is simply for my own use, internal to my work with Bowers and Merena. I have prepared a sample listing of three letter codes, attached, using Martin Gengerke's "American Numismatic Auctions" as a guide. The file only includes firms beginning with the letter A. If E-Sylum subscribers would provide feedback, I would be more than happy to complete this for the rest of the firms, with the idea of adding additional firms along the way. This listing is certainly available for the free use of any who care to access it. [Editor's note - the list is short, so I've extracted it from Mark's file and appended it below] In response to Dick Johnson's code of B&M for Bowers and Merena, I prefer to keep my codes to the standard 26 letter alphabet, thus for Bowers and Merena, I use BMG (Bowers and Merena Galleries). Certainly, ABM could also be used (Auctions by Bowers and Merena). In the special case of joint sales, Bowers and Presidential, Stack's and Superior, Akers and Rarcoa, etc., the easy solution would be to list these with the first firm based on alphabetical order. Notice also on the attached file that I use AUC for Apostrophe Auctions." Code Firm ACE Ace Stamp & coin Co. ADE Adams, Edgar Holmes ADG Adams, Geoffrey Charlton ADM Adams, Mervin W. ADS Adamski, Joseph J. ADK Adkins, Gary ADL Adler, Jonas AKR Akers, David W. ALD Alderfer, Sanford A. Auction Co. ALC Alexander & Co. ALB Alexander, Byron T. ALX Alexandria Coin Sales ALL Allgire, Richard L. ALM Almanzar’s ALP Alpert, Stephen P. ALW Alward & Cagan AMK A-Mark AMB Ambassador AMA American Art Association AMH American Heritage Coin, Inc. AMR American Rose Rare Coins AMW Amwest ACC Ancient Coin Club ACS Ancient Coin Society of NY ANC Ancient Coins ANG Ancient Gens AND Anderson Auction Co. ANA Anderson, Al ANH Anderson, H.W. ANW Andrews, W.P. & Co., Inc. ANM Antebellum Covers ANT Anthon, Charles E. ATI Antietam Coin Club ANI Antiquity Imports APF Apfelbaum, Earl P.L. AQU Aquarius Gallery ARA Ar Auctions ARC Arcade Stamp & Coin Co. ARI Ariadne Galleries ARZ Arizona Exonumist ARK Ark Auctions ARN Arnold Numismatic Co. ARO Aron, Michael J. ASC Associated Coin Auction ATT Attinelli, Emmanuel Joseph ACT Auction (Old Saybrook, CT.) AUC Auction ‘xx (Apostrophe Auctions) AUM Auction Americana AOK Auction Gallery of Oakbrook AUW Auctions West WORD OF THE WEEK From one of my favorite email newsletters, A Word A Day, (http://wordsmith.org/awad/) comes this word which I'm sure numismatic bibliophiles can relate to: oniomania (O-nee-uh-MAY-nee-uh, MAYN-yuh) noun Excessive, uncontrollable desire to buy things. [From Latin, from Greek xnios, for sale, derivative of onos, price, + -mania.] "Usually, oniomania leads to financial problems, such as overspending on credit cards and bad credit ratings." Just Ask Us, Current Health 2 (Highland Park, IL), Mar 2, 2001. Oniomania is another word for the urge to shop till you drop, habit of the debit, thrill of the bill. According to a pearl of ancient wisdom, we don't acquire things, things acquire us. In the case of oniomaniacs, it is perhaps the fun of acquiring things that acquires them. Imelda Marcos of the Philippines could be one prime example of this category, also known as shopaholics, though she could be better known as a shoeaholic. [Editor's note; Is that where Myron Xenos of The Money Tree got his name?] FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is "Spanish Coins on American Notes", maintained by Bob Schreiner, a candidate for governor of the Society of Paper Money Collectors. http://www.unc.edu/~rcs/scoan/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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