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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 18, April 29, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have four new subscribers this week: Wayne Gordon (courtesy of Bill Murray), Jack Dempsey of Dempsey & Baxter Coins, Erie, PA., and two anonymous subscribers. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 375. NEW BOOK: COUNTERMARKS IN GREAT BRITAIN Paul Withers of Galata coins provides this book review: "Tokens of the Industrial Revolution Foreign Silver Coins Countermarked for use in Great Britain, c.1787-1828." Harrington E Manville. 327 pages + 55 plates. 20 x 27 cm. Fully illustrated throughout. London. 2001. ISBN 1-902040-41-4 Published jointly by the British Numismatic Society and Spink. British Numismatic Society Special Publication No. 3. Price £40. Mr. Manville is known to be a researcher par excellence. His three volumes in the series Encyclopaedia of British Numismatics give ample evidence of his efforts. If you do not know this series, it is time to get to know it. We find all three volumes wonderfully useful and they have saved us considerable time and effort. However, this new volume eclipses those and the one criticism one could make is the title which is a little misleading as the countermarks mainly occur on spanish colonial dollars that were countermarked for use in Scotland - though it has to be said that countermarks do appear on other pieces, including bits of dollars, other tokens, and for locations other than those in Scotland - and it is difficult to think of a catchy title for the subject. We have done a little research on a similar field - the copper tokens of this period, which took two of us, working hard, for about three years, following in the footsteps of Davis, so we have an idea of the amount of work that has gone into this, the hours that must have been spent in libraries, museums and other institutions. The blurb on the jacket says that the book took about 35 years to write. We can believe such a statement and can only add that the fruit of such long and devoted research is a book that is incredibly detailed and carefully and lovingly written. The series is a difficult one. The coins themselves are rare, often extremely rare and there are forgeries - 'genuine' counterfeits struck at the same time as the genuine countermarks were applied, genuine countermarks on fake coins, fake countermarks on fake coins struck at the same time as the 'official' issues, and of course, fakes made later for collectors at various times from the early 1900s to much more modern pieces, some of which have by now acquired sufficient patination to look interesting and sufficiently decayed so as to be dangerously deceptive to collectors who have not seen them before. These are largely identified with certainty, precision and excellent enlarged photographs illustrate them. However, one minor point of criticism - but then a good reviewer must always find a minor point, even in the most excellent of books, to prove that (a) he has read it, and (b) he knows enough of the subject sufficiently well to make a valid point : in the section on Concoctions and Non-circulating Counterstamps, on page 235, Manville writes 'S. H. Hamer obtained the SUPPOSED (my capitalisation) original punches...' In British Copper Tokens 1811-1820 we illustrate three pairs of punches used to countermark Birmingham pennies, and examination of a token counterstamped in 1906 by Hamer shows that his concoction is in fact made with one of these sets of genuine punches. So, not supposed after all, but the real thing - and now a respectable item associated with one of the better-known collectors of the period and a collector's item in its own right. However, this is but a very minor point, and it does not detract more than an almost imperceptible fraction from this wonderful tome. These coins are so rare that we are unlikely to see any but the most common, and even those in only small numbers, but I would still want this book on my shelves as it is a wonderful example of the researcher's art, and as an inspiration. This is a work that is monumental, ground-breaking and definitive. It is available from Galata, at 70 US dollars including postage. http://www.galata.co.uk/ LAKE BOOKS SALE 58 Fred Lake reports: "Lake Books has entered our numismatic literature mail-bid sale #58 on its web site at the following web address: http://www.lakebooks.com/current.html The sale is Part I of the numismatic library of Dr. R. J. Hubartt, Jr. and encompasses all facets of this collecting field." REC.COLLECTING.COINS John and Nancy Wilson write: "We have always found it difficult to explain to friends how to get on the Usenet group rec.collecting.coin and also rec.collecting.paper.money sites. We receive information on new sites. After Google purchased the rec.collecting sites we finally have a site you can click on and go to. If use the link below you should be able to get to the Google rec.collecting site. When you are there just hit the rec.collecting link for coins and paper money. The site is always interesting reading. It is also great for posting messages regarding our hobby or upcoming events. Enjoy!" http://groups.google.com/groups?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&group=rec.collecting C. WILSON PECK QUOTE Alan Luedeking writes: "In E-Sylum Vol. IV, Nos. 13 & 14, Aaron Feldman's famous "Buy the Book Before the Coin" statement is traced to a first documented appearance in 1966. On the back cover of Al Almanzar's 1972 "Latin American Numismatic Bibliography (Including the Caribbean)", appears the following quote: "C. Wilson Peck, who is often referred to as 'The Father of British Numismatics', is quoted as having said: 'How do you become a numismatist? The first thing is to buy a book. I would sooner spend five pounds on a good book than I would on a coin. Many people will not buy books. I cannot understand them.'" Does anyone know when he said this?" WORLD SERIES OF NUMISMATICS REVIVED After a year's hiatus, the ANA's World Series of Numismatics quiz game will return at the the annual convention in Atlanta, GA, on August 10, 2001, according to ANA Education Director Gail Baker. In a change of pace, the game will move away from the traditional Jeopardy -style format. In a letter to WSN fans, she writes: "Five contestants will compete answering a general numismatic question to qualify for a question in their chosen area of expertise. Each contestant may choose a partner who may be called upon to help, much like the life-line on "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire. ... The changes are designed to bring more fun, audience participation, and chance into the game and the contestants no longer have to be walking numismatic encyclopedias to compete." For more information, contact Gail at education@money.org CANADIAN BANKNOTE PUBLICATIONS Julie Larocque of Banque du Canada writes: "I work in terminology at the Bank of Canada and was wondering if you could tell whether "Bank Note Reporters" and "Counterfeit Detectors" have been translated into French. Are both of them publications or is the counterfeit detector a machine?" Here's my initial reply; perhaps one of our readers has something to add: Both of the items you list are publications. A "Counterfeit Detector" is a book or periodical which assists the reader in determining whether a bank note is genuine. There were big sellers in the 19th century when so many different types of notes (both real and counterfeit) circulated. A "Bank Note Reporter" is a book or periodical which lists information about whether a bank which issued notes is still in business. These were also big sellers in the 19th century, when so many banks were formed and dissolved before their currency was redeemed. Anyone stuck with a note from a defunct bank is out of luck, and the Bank Note Reporters could help individuals and merchants from making a costly mistake. I am not aware of any such publication which has been translated to French or any other language. These were very useful, but short-lived items, usually only of use in the country or region of publication. However, there may well exist Counterfeit Detectors and Bank Note Reporters initially published in French in Canada. containing information about Canadian banks. ORMSBY ADVERTISEMENT An article by Dave Norris in the May 2001 issue of Bank Note Reporter pictures an advertisement by "W. L. Ormsby, Bank Note Engraver" in the November 1852 issue of Banker's Magazine, announcing the publication of his book on engraving (see The E-Sylum Volume 3, Number 49, November 26, 2000 for more on Ormsby). IMAGES OF RARE U.S. PATTERN MATERIAL Saul Teichman writes: "Here is some neat stuff recently added to the uspatterns.com website that you don't see everyday: http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/j19p28.html http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/sip3512p3515.html http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/p3518p3521.html http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/18opwreatinc.html http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/18trimdietri.html I am working on getting additional images from the Smithsonian, Western Heritage Museum and Library Company of Philadelphia. We can also use images of coins in the P5000 and P6000 series and any splasher information available as this area is woefully inadequate in all the reference works and also research articles for the website. Any help you can provide would be appreciated." DEACCESSIONING Dave Bowers writes: "Nice 'edition' this week. Concerning deaccessioning, are you aware that the Library of Congress "junked" many if not most of its 19th century newspapers and a huge amount of filed copyright material relating to books, prints, etc.? About 20 to 25 years ago I noticed that quite a few bird's-eye view lithographs of towns and cities, mostly printed circa the 1870s and 1880s when such things were immensely popular, were coming on the market. All bore the stamp of the Library of Congress. I went to Washington and met with the person in charge of deaccessioning such things and learned that anything that he or his staff thought significant (e.g., Norman Rockwell prints filed for copyright) were moved to a new facility in Crystal City, VA. He realized that much of the trashed stuff was very valuable, but he said that to auction or dispose of it otherwise would have involved inventorying it and placing it out for bids, which he had neither the time nor the staff to do. It was easier to throw it away. However, local dealers in ephemera, etc., were aware of the dispositions (how, was not stated) and were on hand when things were thrown out. In this way, second-hand, I acquired most of my 19th century Mint Reports, a huge number of newspapers that interested me (California Gold Rush era, certain eastern cities during the Civil War, etc.), and so on. Similarly, circa 1980 I acquired a large number of periodicals from the New York Public Library, in the latter instance by paying to have them microfilmed -- which ran into quite a few tens of thousands of dollars." Remy Bourne confirms the story about the Library of Congress. He writes: "Not all newspapers were purchased from the libraries by newspaper dealers. Twenty years ago when I was avidly collecting all numismatic related stories in United States newspapers from the 1700's foreword, most of the newspapers were literally "acquired" from the dumpsters of The Library of Congress where they were thrown away after being microfilmed. This was related to me at the time from the newspaper dealers I was doing business with." IN DEFENSE OF MICROFILM Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr., Librarian, Numismatics International writes: "I am going to have to come to the defense of microfilming, but I do so with some reluctance, and not for obvious reasons. I have had to do newspaper research a number of times in my life. The first that made the greatest impression on me was when I started my series on medals awarded to British soldiers during the American Revolution for ANA's The Numismatist. My first research was on the Battle of Germantown. I was in London at the time and received permission to enter the North Reading Room of the British Museum to look through their newspaper collection. I was thrilled, yet somewhat appalled. They placed in my hands bound originals almost two hundred years old. I turned the pages with great care. Found what I wanted and departed. In looking back over that adventure my though was - what if others did not turn the pages with the same care and reverence that I did and they were damaged; and, secondly, how could anyone not living in London ever see the march of history that I was able to? Not being on microfilm they would be un-available to anyone else outside of England. The second research effort occurred just recently, and I only had to go back to the early 20's. Our weekly newspaper suffered a fire about 40 years ago and all of their bound copies were destroyed. Happily for my research, copies of the paper had been sent to Concord. If it were not for their being microfilmed, the copies in Concord would never have been seen by me, or anyone else, as the paper used was such a poor grade that the library had to handle the pages like the Dead Sea Scrolls to get them filmed. If they had not been microfilmed I would never have been able to see them, and thus would not have found the information I was looking for. I hate reading microfilm with a passion, and am living for the day when the material will be transferred to CD disk for sale to the public. But the advantage of microfilm, as any genealogist who uses the Mormon libraries will tell you, is that writings and records are readily available to anyone. We can criticize the method used to microfilm, but we cannot discount its advantage. I would have to buy another fifteen room house for storage space alone if I were to maintain hard bound copies of the references I have needed for my research, and supposing I had the only copy. Like the Mona Lisa locked away in some private vault to be viewed by only the owner, it would do the rest of the world no good at all." Hulse adds: "After I had sent my earlier commentary on microfilming I looked over the sale of Ran Zander's library. The third paragraph stood out, and supports my earlier view of the importance of microfilming: WORLD-WIDE COINS OF CALIFORNIA JAMES F. ELMEN Presents THE RUSSIAN NUMISMATIC LIBRARY OF RANDOLPH ZANDER A MAIL BID SALE AND REFERENCE CATALOG Closing Date: 17 May 2001 For reading purposes, Ran found high quality bound xerox copies to be most useful, as their use eliminates the fear of damaging a rare and frequently fragile original text. This offering contains many of his "self-published" perfect bound reprints, most of which are virtually unobtainable as originals. Many of the volumes in the library contain Ran's book stamp, marginal notations and written dedications from the authors. Lots should be presumed to be used but in solid serviceable condition unless otherwise indicated in the description. Many of the items are in the Russian language and are indicated as such by have the title written first in Russian followed by an English translation" COLLECTORS AS CURATORS Dave Bowers notes correctly that "Sometimes materials suffer when being held by institutions. I recall visiting the NY Public Library to review their periodicals in the 1970s, and ALL of the Norman Rockwell covers on their Saturday Evening Posts had been razored out. Probably if they had been in private hands, this would not have happened. Often, a private person is a better custodian than is an institution. I could tell many stories about such things, as I have been buying deaccessioned periodicals for many years." NUMISMATIC AVIATORS In response to Michael Marotta's query about aviator numismatists, Steve Pellegrini writes: "I have a feeling Michael already knows about the Dec. '99 sale of the Dr. Otto Kallir Collection in New York. But if not, the Catalogue is probably available from the auctioneer Paul Bosco and is available from Scott Loos. This catalogue is so useful that it has never made it to the bookshelf. It stays out within reach. " FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is the photo gallery from the web site of the Russian Numismatic Literature Club. http://www.rusnumlitclub.com/gallery.cfm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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