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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 27, July 1, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Paul Landsberg returned after being lost for a while due to an email address change. Welcome back! Our subscriber count is now 407. HARRY W. BASS, JR. FOUNDATION WEBSITE Ed Deane announces: "The Harry Bass Research Foundation and the Harry Bass Foundation have merged, as of the end of April 2001, and these are now the Harry W. Bass, Jr. Foundation. As a result, this HBRF Website (www.hbrf.org) has moved to a new URL, www.harrybassfoundation.org, so please update your internet LINKS list accordingly. The new site, www.harrybassfoundation.org is totally new, redesigned and greatly expanded, which will make your online numismatics experience with us even more valuable. Also on the new website are the two very important search and research items of our past site, the Bass Auction Catalog listings with photos for the four sales and the Numismatic Indexes Project (NIP) which indexes the major American numismatic periodicals of more than the last 120 years." MAYERS' LITERATURE OF AMERICAN NUMISMATICS Regarding the latest issue of our print journal, The Asylum, Alan Luedeking writes: "I greatly enjoyed Joel Orosz' article on Frederick Mayers' paper on American numismatic bibliography; like all the works that flow from Joel's pen, it was excellent. In it he mentions that George Kolbe first made the connection to Mayer's paper having been read before the American Numismatic Society in 1858 in his Numismatic Bookseller No. 42 of 1995. Actually, George made this connection earlier, in the extensive notes to lot 450 in his Sale 50 on December 8, 1991. The price realized clearly indicates that this item was underappreciated at the time." RE-EXAMINING GUTENBERG'S ROLE NBS Board Member Larry Mitchell notes: "I received today the Spring 2001 Asylum. Another very nicely done issue... thank you! Douglas Saville notes in his article on the Roman Imperial Coinage (RIC) series that "(p)rinting from moveable type was perfected at Mainz in the 1450's by Johann Gutenberg...." In fact, recent scholarship casts serious doubt on this assertion. With all due credit to Saville, however, this traditional scenario was not seriously questioned until early this year, by scholars working at Princeton University. A nice summary of their findings can be found at http://www.princeton.edu/pr/pwb/01/0212/ ALAN GRACE CONTACT INFORMATION In response to the Kentucky address Joe Boling provided for bookbinder Alan Grace, Dave Lange writes: "Alan Grace has moved a couple of times since he lived in Kentucky. His current address is: 5618 Timuquana Road, Suite 4 Jacksonville, FL 32210-8073 904-317-0051 gbindings@aol.com INDIAN NUMISMATIC BOOKS AVAILABLE Pawan Gupta of the Books & Periodicals Agency in New Delhi, India reports: "A comprehensive detailed list of books is available at http://www.bpagency.com/pages/Numismatics.htm" Some new titles include: 1. The Dravidian Kingdoms and List of Pandiyan Coins, Music in Ancient India 2. Local Coins of Ancient India : A News Series Coins of Malhar PROJECT TO DIGITIZE EARLY ENGLISH TEXTS [This item is of a non-numismatic nature, but it related to some of our earlier discussions of microfilm and digitization of source material. -Editor] As reported by Educause: "A group of 150 academic libraries is being recruited to join in a partnership with ProQuest Information and Learning (formerly Bell and Howell) to produce a digitized database of 25,000 English works produced from 1475 to 1700. So far, 50 institutions, including Oxford University and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, have committed to paying the $10,000 per year for five years necessary to complete the project. For at least the first five years, only those libraries that contribute will be allowed free access to the expanding database, putting academics in the unusual position of limiting the distribution of knowledge. Observers noted that this model of private/ academic partnership could spread, especially if the current effort is completed as planned. (Chronicle of Higher Education Online, 29 June 2001)" For information on EDUCAUSE publications see http://www.educause.edu/pub/pubs.html BRET HARTE AND LAFAYETTE SITES IN NEW YORK Regarding Bret Harte, Jim Neiswinter writes: "I work in New York City. Sometimes I walk from Penn Station to my office downtown. It's about 2.5 miles. There is a 19th century brownstone at 487 Hudson St. that has a plaque on the front that says it was "A Boyhood Home of Bret Harte" It also gives the title to one of his books, which I can't remember. There are no dates on the plaque as to the time he lived there - but it had to be before 1854. Directly across the street from the brownstone is P.S. (Public School) 3. There is a plaque on the front of that building that was placed there in 1911. This plaque commemorates the visit to NYC of the Marquis de Lafayette on Sept. 10, 1824. He was shown P.S. 3 as an example of the finest education that NYC could provide. (The site is the same, but the building is not that old). One of the favorite coins in my collection is an 1818 cent with the Washington/Lafayette counterstamp. Maybe this is the place where it was handed out." MOVIE MONEY MIXUPS Inspired by our recent discussions of movie money, Tom DeLorey writes: "It is reliably reported (I have not seen the movie) that in "Pearl Harbor" there is a scene set a few days before the attack where some sailors are betting on a boxing match, and one sailor is seen clearly holding a HAWAII overprint $1 bill. Of course, these notes were not introduced until July of 1942." Michael Schmidt also reported the inconsistency. "In the recent movie Pearl Harbor there is a scene that takes place shortly after the main characters arrive at Pearl in early 1941 that shows a boxing match taking place on the deck of one of the ships. A wad of money being used in the wagering is shown and it is Hawaii overprint currency which was not issued until early 1942." Your Editor took the liberty of submitting an edited version of Schmidt's notes to the Internet Movie Database (http://us.imdb.com/), which has a section for each film listing the known goofs in fact, continuity, etc. Perhaps we can educate a few movie fans about numismatics. MORE PATTERN PHOTOS AVAILABLE Saul Teichman writes; "The E-sylum subscribers might be interested in the following patterns - Isabella Quarter trials struck on cardboard that are in the ANS. http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/p3497.html http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/p3500.html The nice thing about cardboard is you can write on the back side as [Mint Director] O.C. Bosbyshell did in this case. They might also find these 1932 Washington quarter reverse hub trials interesting as, to my knowledge, they have virtually never been seen by the collecting fraternity before their placement on the uspatterns.com website." http://uspatterns.com/uspatterns/p3614.html A LITERARY HOAX Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort provided a copy of the latest catalog from Oak Knoll Press, publishers of bibliographical references and books about books. One interesting item for sale is a book titled "Anatomy of a Literary Hoax" by Sid Berger. From the catalog description (Spring 2001, p112): "This strange but true tale started in 1979 when Henry Morris added a fictitious reference book to a lengthy list of works cited in the bibliography of Nagashizuki, a book authored by Timothy Barrett and printed by Henry Morris. It took five years for the author and Sid Berger to finally notice this bit of Morris humor. The conspiracy began! Morris was shown a xerox of a title page for the fictitious reference book to show that it actually existed. In reality the conspirators had the title page created by Paul Duensing. Morris was taken in hook, line, and sinker. But now the story continues - you must read this book to see how! The edition is limited to 300 numbered copies." Oak Knoll Press is located in New Castle, Delaware, and may be reached at: http://www.oakknoll.com/ Can any of our readers point out intentionally humorous items inserted by authors of numismatic literature? More than a few have found their way into auction catalogs for coins and even numismatic literature, although if you eliminate swipes at fellow dealers the list dwindles quickly... FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is about Chopmarks and Philippines Counterstamped Coinage. http://www.chopmarks.com/ Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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