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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 33, August 13, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have four new subscribers this week: Martin Purdy of New Zealand, Kjell Holmberg of Uppsala, Sweden, Brian Schneider of Bozeman, Montana, and exonumia dealer Joe Levine of Presidential Coin and Antiques. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 412. BOOK HAULING HAZARDS Art Rubino of Numismatic Books of Santa Fe writes: "This is to inform members that expected to see our bookshop at the ANA show in Atlanta that due to an equipment failure en route to the show [truck blew it's cooling system], we have had to cancel. Sorry." NUMISMATICS IN THE AGE OF GROLIER "Founded in 1884, the Grolier Club of New York is America's oldest and largest society for bibliophiles and enthusiasts in the graphic arts. Named for Jean Grolier, the Renaissance collector renowned for sharing his library with friends, the Club's objective is to foster "the literary study and promotion of the arts pertaining to the production of books." -from the club's website, http://www.grolierclub.org/ An upcoming exhibition at the Grolier Club will feature numismatic literature. "Numismatics in the Age of Grolier open September 12, 2001. For more information, see http://www.grolierclub.org/ExNumismatics.htm From the exhibition press release: "Numismatic literature was among the most elegant and fascinating expressions of the printer’s art during the European Renaissance. A wide selection of these works, as well as Renaissance medals and the Greek and Roman coins which inspired them, will be on view at the Grolier Club September 12 through November 17, 2001. "Jean Grolier, the famous French book collector for whom the Club is named, was recognized by contemporaries for his collection of ancient coins as well as for his numismatic books, which formed a significant portion of his library. Items from Grolier’s collection will be on view in the forthcoming show. Among the highlights are many “firsts:” • The first numismatic book – the 1514 Paris edition of Budé’s De Asse et partibus, published by Josse Bude. • Andrea Fulvio’s Illustrium Imagines (Rome, 1517), the first illustrated numismatic book in its possibly unique first issue. • An unfinished 1565 manuscript of Enea Vico will be displayed for the first time, along with all his published works. Vico is generally considered the first scientific numismatist. • Grolier’s copy of Vico’s first book, Le imagini, published in 1548. • Grolier’s leather bound coin trays from the Bibliothèque Inguimbertine in Carpentras will be on view for the first time in America along with cases belonging to Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc from the same collection A symposium, co-sponsored by the American Numismatic Society, will be held in conjunction with the Grolier Club exhibition October 27, 2001, 10 am – 3 pm. Speakers will include: Professor John Cunnally, co-curator of the exhibition and author of "Images of the Illustrious, the Numismatic Presence in the Renaissance" (Princeton, 1999). Dr. C. E. Dekesel, author of monographs on Hubert Goltzius and Charles Patin and the new standard bibliography of 16th century numismatic books, Bibliotheca Nummaria (Crestline 1997). Jean-Baptiste Giard, Conservateur émerité of the Cabinet des Médailles of the Bibliothèque nationale (Paris), author of the standard catalogues of the Roman coins in the Bibliothèque nationale and of the mint of Lyons, as well as numerous articles on the history of numismatics. Dr. Stephen K. Scher, co-curator of the exhibition, former chairman of the Art Department of Brown University, organizer of the Frick exhibition and editor of the catalogue The Currency of Fame, Portrait Medals of the Renaissance (New York, 1994). NEWMAN, MNS NUMISMATIC LIBRARIES JOINED In response to your editor's request for an update on the numismatic library of the Eric P.Newman Numismatic Education Society (EPNNES), Eric Newman writes: "I am glad to respond. The Missouri Numismatic Society which operates in St. Louis, Missouri has just donated its extensive numismatic library to EPNNES. The combined holdings are shelved at the Mercantile Library of the University of Missouri - St. Louis and will be consolidated and maintained in St. Louis, Missouri. The former holdings of the Missouri Numismatic Society are substantial in classical, medieval and modern world-wide material while the EPNNES numismatic holdings are primarily American. The consolidation will require a substantial period of time to accomplish. Availability for research and writing will be continued subject to regulations which will be prepared. Thomas Serfass is the EPNNES curator and I will also try to be of service." CARSON CITY BOOK UPDATED Jim Halperin writes: "Enjoyed the latest E-Sylum as always. Your readers might be interested in knowing that the newest edition of Doug Winter's book, Gold Coins of the Carson City Mint, 1870-1893, just arrived from the printer last week. For more info: http://www.CarsonCityGold.com." The following is an except from the Doug Winters' comments on his book from the above web site: "My first book on Carson City gold coinage was published in 1994. It was an immediate success and quickly became the standard reference on the series. Within a few years, it had become scarce and a collector's item. Ironically, as the first book became more valuable, it became less useful. Some hoards of Carson City gold coins had entered the market in the mid-1990's and changed the population figures that I had suggested for a number of issues Some great old collections came on the market and a number of new Condition Census pieces made my old listings obsolete. I decided to totally revise the book in 2000 and made it similar in format and design to the Charlotte and Dahlonega books that I had published in 1998 and 1999 respectively." AUGUST COLONIAL NEWSLETTER PUBLISHED Phil Mossman writes: "Number #117 of The Colonial Newsletter, August 2001, has been sent to subscribers. This issue features an article by Brian Danforth in his continuing research regarding the circulation of William Wood's Hibernia coppers both in Ireland and the American colonies. Here he reexamines the historical record and challenges some of the popular numismatic tradition that has evolved concerning these coinages. In summary, they circulated widely in Ireland and were not rejected as Dean Swift's tirades against them would have us believe. Many were shipped to America in the mid-1730s but only after they had been replaced by regal Tower Mint issues. A find of coins from Upper New York State, recovered over a period of years by a metal detectionist, is examined in detail in an article contributed by John Lorenzo. These coins date from around the turn of the 19th century and are quite representative of other similar finds of the period. It is an analysis of data from such finds as this that have enabled us to develop a fair idea of the coins that circulated in pre-Federal America. David Gladfelter contributed an article featuring four engraved plates from the Earl of Pembroke's collection which depicted eleven early American coins. "The illustrations of these eleven pieces are, with the exception of John Evelyn's 1697 engraving of a St. Patrick's farthing, the earliest of American coins appearing in a numismatic publication." And lastly, Editor Emeritus, James C. Spilman, updated readers with a checklist of "Early American Counterfeit Halfpence Believed Struck in America." SUBSCRIBER PROFILES New subscriber Martin Purdy writes: "My main numismatic interests are Scottish, as are my oldest numismatic books (Numismata Scotiae, 1786) and a few 19th-century volumes, including the three volumes of Burns (1887). I'm also pleased to be the temporary custodian of the oldest volume in the Royal Numismatic Society of New Zealand Library collection (Familiae Antiquae in Antiquis Numismatibus, 1663). I learned about your list from the "closing-down" posting of the Numislit mailing list." New subscriber Kjell Holmberg writes: "I am, for 20 years, an enthusiastic collector of numismatic literature - with main focus towards 17th, 18th and 19th century books, as well as numismatic auction catalogues and price lists. The geographical focus is Sweden, Norway and Denmark. I am also a member of the Swedish Numismatic Society." New subscriber Schneider writes: "I have known about The E-Sylum for a while, but signed up after reading Stuart Segan's piece in the August 13 issue of Coin World. My interests are pretty much all coinage of the USA. My primary studies are in the Liberty Nickel series. Even have a website devoted to them: http://www.libertynickels.org. INTERNET VIRUS WARNING Dick Johnson writes: "I have been out of commission for ten days. My computer got hit with a virus. Not "red worm", but one my Internet Server, SNET, called "Sir Gam.gen W32." You cannot imagine how it feels not to be on the internet. I cannot do research, I cannot check facts, I cannot contact numismatic friends. I lost my hard drive and all my mail files, and address book. And a number of recent, unanswered emails (I answer all inquiries sent to Medallic Art Co on past medals). Fortunately all my manuscript files for two books are on another computer (not connected to the internet -- for good reason!). These are backed up and I have off-site storage as well. Perhaps these would be good tips for E-Sylum readers and fellow authors." WASHROOM WARRIOR MEDAL INFO SOURCES Joe Levine writes: "Funny that you asked me about what I have always referred to as the Huey Long Toilet Seat Medal. I too have written up this piece and it appeared in the Exonumia Notebook column that Dave Schenkman and I used to write. As I recall, the primary source of my info was T. Harry Williams' Pulitzer Prize winning biography of Huey Long, where he devotes considerable space to the incident. The ANS also has some interesting info on their presentation ceremony (which was a black tie event)!" Now out of cyber-hybernation, Dick Johnson writes: "This medal is listed in my upcoming directory of American Artists, Diesinkers, Engravers, Medalists and Sculptors of Coins and Medals. The entry is under the artist's name, George De Zayas. There are 19 lines in this entry and since this is the only medal he created (to my knowledge) it all applies to this medal. He was born in Mexico City in 1895. He was an illustrator for Collier's magazine. He died in Garwood New Jersey, 1967. He signed the Long Medal model with GZ initials. The artist was listed three times in Who's Who in American Art (1937, 1939, 1941). He is included in the massive 3-volume Who Was Who in American Art (by my publisher, Peter Hastings Falk) in volume 1, page 907. The medal was struck in 1933 by Medallic Art Company. It is their catalog number 33-47. It is in the collection of the American Numismatic Society (of course, since they conducted the award ceremony). It is ANS accession number 1933.83.1 which you can go to their website, enter this accession number and find its description. There is a symbol on this line indicating the ANS has more than one specimen in their collections. The medal has sold nine times at auction (that I have cited). I sold it twice in my Collectors' Auctions Limited; Joe Levine has auctioned it seven times in his Presidential Coin and Antique sales, from number 50 (lot 1078 in June 1991) to number 69 (lot 1359 in June 2001). The history of the medal was published in the Centennial History of the American Numismatic Society by Howard Adelson, pages 259-260. It was written up by Joe Levine in The Numismatist in the August 1977 issue, pages 1610- 1613. Ed Rochette included it in his book of columns, The Other Side of The Coin, pages 146-147. A plaster model made from the original galvano pattern was, indeed, mounted in the public men's room at Medallic Art's Danbury plant in 1972. It was in the shape of a toilet seat, but rendered as a fine bas-relief in good taste. Company president, Bill Louth, ordered it placed there. Since this restroom was across the hall from the room containing the archive medal cabinets, which was my charge, I used this facility often. I can remember standing at the urinal and memorizing the design of the open-mouthed, droopey-eyed fish and a fist smashing into it. I could draw it from memory to this day." NUMISMATIC INDEXES Allan Davisson writes: "Numismatic indexes are extremely important. The indexes for articles in the BNJ series (British Numismatic Journal) and to articles in the Spink Circular and the Seaby Bulletin as well as the indexes published for the SCBI (Sylloge of Coins of the British Isles) volumes make information readily available that would otherwise be barely, if at all, accessible. I remember clearly how hard it was to find things in the BNJ, for example, before the two index efforts were published (one official, one unofficial). The British really seem to be good about this. Harry Manville's three publications in his series, Encyclopedia of British Numismatics, adds to this tradition. I assumed, when we agreed to publish Bill Daehn's exceptional annotated bibliography of English language references on Greek coins that there would be comparable interest. I was forewarned by some serious numismatic book publishers that this assumption might not be sound. Those who have bought the book have been enthusiastic. But we have sold just over 100 copies despite advertising (including a full page in The Asylum) and trying hard to promote Bill's book. Is there something that differentiates those who follow ancient numismatic literature from those who pursue British references (a principal focus of mine) or American numismatics? Or am I missing an important point somewhere? I do know that those who have done the work on indexes have taken on massive tasks. I know Harry Manville well and am as amazed at the size of the task he completed as I am at the work Bill Daehn did which I saw on a more immediate basis." Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr. writes: "As Librarian for Numismatics International I am in full agreement that an index of numismatic periodicals is long overdue, and I would include in this project books that contain more than one topic (IAPN's "Numismatics - witness to history" is an example.) I have had to admit defeat on more than one occasion knowing full well that the answer to a query might lie in one of the many magazines sitting on our shelves. One of my constant references is Elvira Clain-Stefanelli's "Numismatic Bibliography." She did heroic work, but it is long outdated. The International Numismatic Commission briefly tried to do something similar to what is presently being considered by listing current numismatic research, but did not follow through. (To give one an idea of the scope of the work before us, their listing of research for the period 1966-1971 ran to three volumes.) The problem is not in the software. The NI author index uses a simple spreadsheet with a four letter code assigned to each author. Our master listing by author is produced by simply giving the command to sort. The problem is the subject index. When we first started to index the library the only useable subject classification system available at that time was ANA's. While I grant you that it is a camel turned out by a committee that was going to build a horse, ANA has been fully supportive of our efforts, and a number of times has granted us permission to add new classification codes to break down country groupings that had become unmanageable. (The Benelux area is one example - middle Europe another.) I submit that the creation of a standardized title /author/topic method of identification does not require a special software program. The problem will be - what do we use for our subject classification system? My preference would be not to re-invent the wheel, but to expand the present ANA system to meet our needs. Once we have agreed on a standardized identification and a standardized subject classification, any number of people can start scanning indexes using any type of software available to them, modify the results according to our agreed method of identification and classification and ship their work off to whoever is acting as the central clearing house." Mrs. Craig N. Smith writes: "Late every Sunday evening, my husband prints and shares his E-Sylum with me. On Monday morning, as I was reading through the August 2001 issue of PC World Magazine, I remembered the E-Sylum request for help on indexing software. In a letter from the magazine, the topic of indexing came up. In briefly touring the website of the American Society of Indexers, it would seem that they may be able to provide some useful information." Some excerpts from the aforementioned letter from L. Pilar Wyman, of Annapolis, Maryland: "I would like to thank Stephen Manes for noting that: "Professional indexing by a human being has become a quaint concept." But professional human indexers, such as myself, are still around. It boggles my mind that hardware and software vendors do not rely on intelligent humans to assist with indexing. (I wonder how much money could be saved on tech support calls if the manuals themselves were indexed well?) "Information architecture" and "Web site design" may sound like new fields. But here's a secret: It's all indexing -- ask any librarian or other information professional. But try telling that to a Web site or database designer. I have been writing indexes for over ten years, for a variety of media. And the American Society of Indexers, (www.asindexing.org) an association of professional indexers, has been around since 1968. There's simply no excuse for any interested company not to provide quality information to its customer base." [The site's "Frequently Asked Questions About Indexing" page (http://www.asindexing.org/indfaq.shtml) is a very useful overview of the topic. -Editor ] THE LOT OF A BIBLIOPHILE'S SPOUSE Malgorzata "Gosia" Fort, wife of Asylum Editor E. Tomlinson Fort, writes in response to David Lange's piece about living arrangements when both a library and spouse are involved: "A word of support for all book collectors' wives. Yes, we do need to have an "open and uncluttered home". This usually has little understanding on the part of our significant other. Tom and I had books absolutely everywhere in our old apartment. SO, when we bought the house, WE decided to change the biggest room in the house into OUR LIBRARY. A truly wonderful idea! I think it would work fine, if we had the same understanding what OUR LIBRARY means. As it quickly turned out our views on the library were slightly different. I cherished the idea that we would have a room full of books, a room where our collections would be joined and where, in the evenings we could sit in comfortable armchairs and enjoy our mutual passion for books. [The rest of the house would be free of books, of course] Tom's idea of the library was to have a place for his numismatic books only! And, I must admit, they really look gorgeous neatly arranged on shelves by topic with a little room in each section reserved for growth. But it is also very obvious that, now we have both, the library and the books in every other room! The only argument that I won (a rather teary one) was to extend the room for my books from three shelves to eight, which means that the rest of my collection would stay indefinitely in my parents' house. All other arguments ended up as arrangements of compromise between two different approaches to book collecting. I need the light to fully appreciate my books. I take enormous pleasure in petting spines of my books, enjoying different colors, textures and smells. Tom sees in light solely its damaging powers, so we had to have curtains in the Library. ["No curtains" was not an option, but I got the right to choose one] My "economy of space" approach helps me manage better the limited space I have. My shelves are adjusted to different heights and books are arranged by size. In my parents' house I had my books arranged in two rows and from time to time I would shift them to enjoy the books from the second row for a while. Oh, what fun it was! This approach is "criminal" in Tom's eyes. All shelves should be of equal size and the only reasonable arrangement of books is by subject. [He still complains that I forced my idea of designing a small section in one of his bookcase with shelves adjusted to the height of his tiny Loebs] And then it comes the last difference. Shall I admit that I bought quite a few books in my life that I did not care for the text at all and I had no intention to read. I bought them because they were fine specimens of the art of printing and looking at them gives me equally great pleasure as reading. I have couple of books from 1932, low circulation editions with uncut pages and I am going to preserve this original state. [And when I am writing this, Tom's voice with "if I paid so much money, you can bet, I am going to read it" rings in my ear] I would prefer any original first edition to the finest reprint [but he already knows this] Anyway, have a little bit more understanding for your wife's desire to fight your passion. If not fought, it would sneak out from under control and spread around leaving not much more room than for old traditional 3 Ks (Kinder, Kuchen, Kirche). Fighting for "uncluttered" house, she is actually fighting for the room in your heart." SALVAGING DAMAGED TEXT Steve Pellegrini writes: "I'd like to make a comment regarding the fate of the Davenport library. It was sad enough that most of it had been damaged and that so little was at the time salvageable. Today, however, the state of computer driven 'textual forensics' and the scanning and light spectrum filtering is even now almost magically able to restore readable text from congealed globs of soaked pages. Eventually this technology will be advanced enough to make saving the text of even minor works like auction catalogues worth the small investment in time and money. As we all know old catalogues are invaluable in discovering the tiny factoid of attribution, provenance or variety on which the success of a project may hinge. My point is that today it is better to find an obscure dark, dry spot to store these boxes of rotting catalogues than to toss them into the abyss of the local dump. To some yet unborn researcher using tomorrow's tools an old box of trashed catalogues may prove to be the numismatic Dead Sea Scrolls." FIRST CD-ROM CATALOG Stephen Pradier writes: "Larry Mitchell and I have been discussing a topic that apparently was brought up sometime ago by other E-Syoum subscribers regarding the first CD-ROM auction catalogue. Heritage Numismatics (HNAI) issued a Catalog Disk, May 4, 2000 for Central States Numismatic Society. This is said to be the very first American numismatic auction catalogue released on CD-ROM. The first catalogue, ever, with CD-ROM was issued by Union Bank of Switzerland (UBS AG WARBURG) Numismatic Section for Auction 46, Gold & Silver Coins for their January 26-28 1999 Auction. It came in a CD jewel case with a cover. The later ones are packaged in just a paper and cellophane CD envelope. I also ran my findings by Karl Moulton of Numiscats, Benoit Shoeni of UBS and Dustin Johnson of Heritage Numismatics (HNAI) and the consensus is that UBS was the first. I did call the ANA library as an additional source but all of the librarians were away at the Atlanta convention. Speaking of catalogues the latest UBS catalogue is stunning, #50. The catalogue is hardbound with pictorial boards with images in full high resolution color. The left-hand side page describes the coin on the facing left-hand page in detail in both German and English. The right hand side page is a page and a half wide folded over to the middle right. The top of the folded page has a sharp high resolution color photo of the obverse of the coin up for auction. Unfolded the page reveals three to four close up images of the detail of both the obverse and reverse of the coin. The close up photos are very sharp and clear. To the left of the folded page is printed the estimated price in both Swiss Francs and US dollars. Also a line is provided to write in the hammer price and an area for notes. It comes with a CD-ROM in a jewel box. The PRL is printed in the form of a pamphlet which has it’s own cover. This is one of the most well designed auction catalogues I have ever seen. As far as I know there are still some available for purchase and you can contact, Mr. Benoit Schoeni at benoit.schoeni@ubs.com or visit their web site at http://www.ubs.com/e/pb/solutions/fp_wm/numismatics.html" FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is Rodney Sell's Hong Kong Numismatic Literature page. "I seriously started collecting Hong Kong coins in 1975 and immediately tried to find good reference books. There did not appear to be any available and I had difficulty obtaining information on any books that had been published. I have since discovered that the first catalogue to be published on Hong Kong Currency was by my friend Antonio B. de Sousa who now lives in Melbourne Australia. It has taken me till August 1997 to get a copy of this catalogue which is shown amongst the items listed..." One interesting title is "The Banknote That Never Was" by Francis Braun (1982, 138 pages, hard cover), the story of emergency bank notes printed at the end of WW II but never actually issued. [Quiz question: who can name other books or pamphlets on the sole subject of a numismatic item which was never released by the issuing government?] http://marina.fortunecity.com/westindia/472/libhkg.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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