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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 36, September 3, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have one new subscriber this week: Douglas Saville of Spink and Son, London, courtesy of George Kolbe. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 419. MECHANICAL DIFFICULTIES Several readers reported not receiving their August 26th, 2001 issue of The E-Sylum (vol 4, no. 35). All were America Online subscribers. This is only the most recent of several incidents where AOL subscribers did not receive their email. Send them your complaints, folks! I've forwarded copies of the missing issue to all who requested it. This and all other back issues are archived on our web site: http://www.coinbooks.org/. Another problem prevented the current issue from getting out on time yesterday. Your editor's cable modem service went out before the September 2, 2001 issue (vol 4, no. 36) could be sent out. [Help! My modem has fallen and I can't get uploads!] The issue was delayed a day and released with a revised issue date. Sorry for the inconvenience. LAKE BOOKS SALE #60 AVAILABLE Fred Lake reports: "Our sale #60 is now ready for viewing. The sale is titled "Dr. R. J. Hubartt, Jr., Part Three" and contains 675 lots of numismatic literature reference material. The closing date is October 9, 2001. Please note, in particular, Lot Number 1 is located on the title page. You may view the catalog on our web site on the "Current Sale" page by clicking on the following link: http://www.lakebooks.com/current.html EARLIEST USE OF PHOTOS IN A NUMISMATIC BOOK Nicholas M. Graver writes: "I would like to thank subscribers Ferdinando Bassolio, Karl Moulton, and Hadrien Rambach, who responded to my questions about the earliest numismatic book containing actual photographs as illustrations: . We are indebted to all who gave thought to the topic. The conclusion was the 1864 work by Verguet. [See the August 26, 2001 E-Sylum (vol. 4, no.35). If any earlier examples come to light, please let us know. -Editor] QUOTATION'S AUTHOR SOUGHT Adrián González Salinas of Monterrey, N.L. México writes: "As always, I really enjoy reading The E-Sylum every Monday morning...please keep up the good work! Also, I would like to ask for your help. Do you know if the following phrase was coined in US and who's the coiner? "Having a coin without studying is the same as having a book without reading it." (En español: "El tener una moneda y no estudiarla es como tener un libro y no leerlo") I last saw it in "El Boletín" (The Sociedad Numismática de México's official quarterly publication). BIBLIO-BABY UPDATES Mr. Salinas also offered congratulations on my son Tyler's first birthday (August 20th). Thanks for remembering - he's a happy, healthy, walking one year old now. And speaking of babies, Darryl Atchison filed this report on Tuesday the 29th: "This is a very quick email to announce the birth of our 8 lb. 7 oz. baby boy at 9:30 a.m. this morning Irish time. We haven't named him yet and will probably do so later this afternoon. The winner of the baby pool was Fiona's mother (for those of you with enquiring minds - I'm sure it was a fix!!!) with a guess of Aug. 29, boy, 8 lb. 10 oz. So much for the doctor's prediction last week of a 7 lb. baby. Both Fiona and the baby seem to be doing fine anyhow." PROMINENT NUMISMATIC AUTHORS H. Douglas Owens writes: "The reference to Edward Gibbon got me to wondering what he wrote in the numismatics field. I wonder whether other numismatic works have been authored by persons who rose to prominence in other fields. Can you or other readers help? Many thanks." [Back in March we addressed a related question posed by E. Tomlinson Fort: "Who is the only numismatic author ever to win the Nobel Prize for Literature?" (See vol 4, nos. 10-12). It turns out there were two such authors. Other related topics have been celebrities who collect coins, such as James Earl Jones (See vol 3, nos. 20-23). -Editor] For the less prominent among us, Carl Honore writes: "for those aspiring writers, try writing for your local newspapers first. I have a pending coin column in preparation for my local paper here in Sequim. It's a way to get started..." FRANCIS MICHAEL NICHOLS INFORMATION SOUGHT Mark Rabinowitz writes: "I am looking for any information E-Sylum readers might have on Francis Michael Nichols. Nichols was born in 1827 and died in 1890, and for most of his adult life, up to the time of his death, Nichols was employed as bookkeeper at the U.S. Mint. Nichols was also the great- grandson of Michael Hillegas, first treasurer of the United States. I know the likelihood of there being much information out there on a clerical employee of the Mint is low, but on the other hand I also know there are some seasoned Mint historians who read this list. I would appreciate any information, particularly any reference to a portrait of Mr. Nichols." BREEN'S WIZARD OF OZ THEORY Concerning Walter Breen's "Metallic Panaceas" article in the 1989 COAC, Mike Hodder writes "I can support in part Bill Bischoff's comments about the timing of Breen's use of the analogies between the Wiz of Oz and the gold vs. silver fracas. I remember working with Breen to edit his paper for oral delivery at the 1989 COAC and subsequent publication ( I also worked with QDB [Q. David Bowers] on the paper he presented at the same COAC). As I remember, Breen's manuscript was a mess. Since the 1989 COAC was held in November (as I remember), I can substantiate Breen's playing with the analogies by the summer of that year." B.E.P. SOUVENIR CARD CATALOG? Ray Rennick writes: "I ran into a guy on Ebay who sells the Bureau of Engraving and Printing Souvenir Cards. He said the values are listed in a book published by Brookman and Mellone. Have you heard of such a book?" [I've not come across this catalog - can any of our readers help? -Editor] NUMISMATIC PERIODICAL INDEXING Concerning the International Numismatic Commission's Survey of Numismatic Research, Bob Knepper writes: "I would like to hear a little more about the contents of these books. I am often looking for obscure info about German, and other, coins and jetons from about 1540 to 1800. I haven't yet checked to see if the books are available at the ANA library." On the same subject, Granvyl G. Hulse, Jr. writes: "There is an old adage that just because one has not seen an item it doesn't mean that it does not exist. Please extend my thanks to Bob Leonard for updating me on the continuing efforts of the International Numismatic Commission. I had just not seen anything after the 1985-90 volumes and presumed erroneously that they had given up. They are indeed excellent references, and if an attempt is ever made to prepare a master numismatic subject index those volumes must be at hand. Which now begs the question, "What is to be done?" Is this to be one of those re-occurring discussions where everyone laments the lack of a master numismatic periodical subject index, and then quietly fold their tents until the subject is brought up again, to again lament on the lack, and once more let it ride, or is there some way the project could actually be started now? According to Parade Magazine I have only seven and a half years to live (if you hit seventy in good health you will live to 80.) By the time I go shouting home to glory I would dearly like to see the master subject index project, not only duly and truly launched, but useable." NEW WORD: BIBLIOHOLISM. Dick Johnson writes: "I had to learn a new word this week: Biblioholism. For my birthday my daughter gave me a sweater with it blazoned in white letters on a blue background. Lucky for me it also gives the derivation and definition (right on the sweater): bib' li•o•hol' ism (bibl' le e hol' iz' em) [<Gr Biblion] n. [BIBLIO + HOLISM] books, of books: the habitual longing to purchase, read, store, admire, and consume books in excess. Libraries here in Connecticut all have book sales this Labor Day weekend. I can't wait to wear it. Then everyone will know I have this strange malaise. The only apparent cure, I guess .... is to buy more BOOKS. The sweater came from Wireless at giftcatalog.com. They also offer, surprise!, a book of the same name by Tom Raabe." FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is Stan Garczynski's Gold Donatives of Gdansk. "Struck in Poland in the 16th and 17th centuries, exquisite gold pieces combined the best features of coins and commemorative medals." http://www.forum-polonia-houston.com/other/monety/monety.htm Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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