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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 45, November 4, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have two new subscribers this week: Geoff Bell of Shediac, New Brunswick, and Claud and Judith Murphy, courtesy of John and Nancy Wilson. Welcome aboard! Our subscriber count is now 426. BEISTLE PACKING MATERIALS American Numismatic Association curator Lawrence Lee writes: "Regarding Martin Luther Beistle and his book "The Register of Half Dollar Die Varieties and Sub-Varieties: Aficionados of Beistle minutia may be interested to learn that the ANA Museum has in its collection the original metal plates used in printing both the 1929 and 1964 editions of Beistle's book. The plates were a gift from Aubrey Bebee. Dick Johnson's history of Beistle's paper company helped explain one of the questions about this donation: the plates are separated by pieces of cardboard with various Halloween cut-outs imprinted on them." [Spooky! -Editor] JOHN REICH COLLECTORS SOCIETY WEB SITE The John Reich Collectors Society (JRCS) has a new web site. From the Society's press release: "The purpose of the John Reich Collectors Society (JRCS) is to encourage the study of numismatics, particularly United States gold and silver coins minted before the introduction of the Seated Liberty design, and to provide technical and educational information concerning such coins. "Since 1986, JRCS has published over 350 original articles on Federal coinage through their club publication, the John Reich Journal. A complete listing of all articles published in the Journal can be found on the new website. ... A list of books on early Federal coinage, written or edited by JRCS members also featured. " The address is http://www.jrcs.org/ CHARLOTTESVILLE CONNECTIONS John Kraljevich writes: "What fun to see two Charlottesville VA blurbs in one E-sylum! Heartwood Books is one of many great bookstores in the area, and I'm pleased to see that the cherrypicks have started to reappear since I skipped town with a sheepskin in May 1999. Visitors to town should definitely check out the UVa stacks too -- nicely bound set of the American Journal of Numismatics (in addition to hundreds of other volumes, particularly heavy on South Asian numismatics) is on the circulation shelves, but you'll have to special request the large paper copy of Woodward's McCoy sale from an off-site location. And regarding Dr. Thomas Addis Emmet, his dad was one of Jefferson's original professors at the University and Emmet Hall (now a first-year dormitory) is named in his memory. Many of Emmet's papers are preserved in UVa Special Collections, but who knows what if anything resides therein regarding colonial currency. Before I read the article I had no idea his son was a collector! A thoroughly interesting family, it seems." HISTORY REFERENCE WEB SITE John and Nancy Wilson of Ocala, FL write: "Great job with the E-sylum. We enjoy receiving it on Sunday night. The below site is one of the best sites on the Internet. Kevin Foley told us about the refdesk.com site which we use all the time. Readers will be able to almost find anything regarding history. The majority of our numismatic hobby in some way has something to do with past history. Here is the site: http://www.refdesk.com/history.html" MASON'S PHOTOGRAPHIC GALLERY Bill Malkmus writes: "I ran across a one-page thing in an old (August 1967, p. 630) World Coins magazine (now defunct) headed "Early US Collectors Photograph." It's about a large photo, titled "Mason's Photographic Gallery of the Coin Collectors of the United States No. 1" with some 48 oval cameo portraits numbered and identified below. The caption reads: "A rare early photograph showing 48 of the U. S.' leading early numismatists, probably produced by Philadelphia coin dealer E. B. Mason Jr. (frame 44) in 1867-1869 was recently uncovered by New York City professional numismatist Aaron Feldman. Such notables are shown as Joseph J. Mickley (frame 1) of Philadelphia, America's first known coin collector; Matthew W. Dickeson, Philadelphia (frame 2); William J. Jenks, Philadelphia (frame 7); Captain John W. Haseltine, Philadelphia (frame 20); James A. Bolen, Springfield, Mass. (frame 23), and others. The photo (possibly unique) was stolen in 1859 and remained unknown until 1967." Idle questions which come to mind are: Have any reprints been made of this photo that anyone knows about? and was there ever any follow-up with a "No. 2," etc.?" [This photo has been written up before, but I'll let one of our E-Sylum readers bring us up to date. -Editor] COHEN VOLUMES ONLINE Bill continues: "In another vein -- I resisted commenting on updates as Cohen's vol. 2 and vol. 3 came on line, but now Jérôme Mairat has Cohen's volumes 1 through 4 on line (Pompey (67 BC) up through Maximus (AD 238)) at: http://www.i-numis.com/books/index.html Also available for collectors of ancients are: John Yonge Akerman, A Manual of Roman Coins (1865), 78 pages, 21 plates and various 19th-c. articles by Babelon, Gnecchi, Imhoff-Blumer, and others." NUMISMATIC RESEARCH AND ACCESSING ORIGINAL MATERIAL. Dick Johnson writes: "This is in answer to Carl Honore's lament in the October 28th E-Sylum that all the archives of numismatic interest are in the East and he is in the Pacific Northwest: (1) BE DEDICATED. Recognize that the archives are not going to come to you. You must go to them. Research is expensive, in both time and money. Part of that cost is travel. If you cannot take a sabbatical from your job for the time off to research, consider vacation time. Otherwise you are going to have to wait until you retire for the time required to do your numismatic research activities. A professional man I know is looking forward to his retirement, a few months away, to research Lifesaving Medals. He had planned this in advance and did as much homework ahead of time as possible. He will now have the resources to do this chore unencumbered by calendar or checkbook problems. True the archives are not distributed with geographical equality: Some things in life are not fair. You must go to them. I remember talking with a researcher from England. He came to America to research at the library of the American Numismatic Society. I asked why. "You have the greatest collection of numismatic books in one room right here," he said. Perhaps he had been to other libraries where the works were scattered. We are fortunate to have these national numismatic treasures nearby. Others have traveled great distances to access these. (2) HONE YOUR RESEARCH TRAITS. I have mentioned this before in E-Sylum: join a local genealogy club. You will learn resources and techniques that you never knew before. Also there is probably more resources in your area than you may be aware. I have been writing and researching in numismatics since college days. Gad, that's almost fifty years. I thought I knew how to research. But the little ol' grandmothers in my genealogy club sometimes run circles around me. They have taught me a lot, and are very willing to impart the knowledge and techniques they often learned the hard way. They also have contacts that are unbelievable. Last month we took a field trip to Boston. At the Massachusetts State Archives (next door to the Kennedy Archives) we had a speaker who was a friend of one of our members and she pulled out documents and passed them around that, she said, she would do for no other group. We also visited the New England Historic and Genealogical Society. Five floors of pure research pleasure, books and manuscripts. (3) ASK FOR HELP. It is amazing what you can get from others. Often a polite inquiry will provide more data than you can imagine. We are presently living in a society of tremendous information available; others often have this and are willing to give you what you want, if you only ask. Case in point: I was working on early U.S. Mint technology. Became friends with Craig Sholley, who had done a great deal of this work before me. He had found the Peale Report of 1835 at the Philadelphia National Archives and photocopied the entire Report. Franklin Peale was the mechanical genius, you may recall, who was hired by the U.S. Mint and sent by Director Samuel Moore to tour the mints of Europe and report his findings. Here they are on 272 legal size pages, in Peale's own hand. (This led to the introduction of the steam press for coining and the engraving pantograph for making dies at the Philadelphia Mint.) Craig was kind enough to photocopy his set and send these to me. In turn, I transcribed much of the Report (with the aid of a consenting wife who is better at deciphering difficult handwriting than I). Even so, it required another trip to the Philadelphia National Archives for both of us to solve some remaining problems by pouring over the original. (4) LAST POINT, DREAM! Create in your mind what you would like to do if you had all the resources you needed. My dream is a mobile home to travel and park in the lots of archives and museums of America. Meaningful research does not happen in one or two days. It often requires weeks. You have to learn what is available, how it is arranged, how to use it, the rules and requirements of the institution (like using those damn white gloves!), then immerse yourself. It is best if you can do this research in solid chunks of time rather than numerous one-day visits. For research on early American die sinkers, I need to search city directories from a large number of cities. Fortunately, the largest collection of these is at the American Antiquarian Society, in Worcester, Massachusetts, about a two-hour drive for me. But I would rather stay in a motor home parked nearby and visit this archive day-after-day for as long as it takes to search these directories. (I dream this, in preference to staying in hotels or motels, for the time needed to stretch my research travel budget.) Incidentally, despite the largest collection of city directories in America at AAS, they are available to researchers only on microfilm. Get used to using these machines and pouring over the gray-glow screens for hours. If you can prove a page is missing or damaged in the film they may retrieve the original (if they have it) to let you examine it. So crank the ol' microfilm machines (or, if you ar lucky, use the new motorized ones)). Now, Carl, what can you do before you retire to advance numismatics by your as yet unfound discoveries? Contact local museums and offer your numismatic expertise to catalog their holdings. You will have to prove your qualifications to the curator. But you will find this fulfilling and you might make one of those discoveries in your own backyard. Also search out microfilm available for interlibrary loan; I found a journal of die sinkers in the Scovill archives at the Baker Library at Harvard. In this case I had to pay to have the microfilm made (since no researcher before me had examined it), but once this was done I could use this at my local library who saw that it was returned to Baker Library after I was done with it (that was their requirement). Last words, Carl: Dream! then Go! P.S. Researching in all these institutions has started me gathering a new collectable: the photocopy machine debit cards. Unlike credit cards these plastic chits are rather plain. However, I predict these are the "provisionals" and future ones will have more elaborate and colorful designs, a different one for each institution. Even in their present state, however, they are more meaningful to researchers than those innocuous plastic phone cards that are used by the public (and collected by phonocardiographies)." SUBSCRIBER PROFILE: GEOFF BELL New subscriber Geoff Bell writes: "I got your name from Paul Petch of Toronto. I have had a lifelong interest in numismatic literature and Canadian history books. My primary interest in numismatics is Maritime banknotes (chartered), Canadian tokens and medals, both historical and modern. Phil Carrigan has also mentioned your organization to me on occasion." FEATURED WEB SITE This week's featured web site is the New York Clearing House. "The New York Clearing House is the nation's first and largest bank clearing house. We continue to play a key role in developing the U.S. banking system. In 1853, we helped simplify the chaotic exchange and settlement process among the banks of New York City. Before the Federal Reserve System was established in 1913, the Clearing House stabilized currency fluctuations and carried the monetary system through recurring times of panic. Since then, we have applied our organizational talent and technological innovation to meet the demands of the rapidly evolving payments industry and challenging regulatory environment." http://www.nych.org/hist.htm http://www.nych.org/files/nych_hist.pdf The second link is a three-page paper (in Adobe format) outlining the history of the Clearing House, which mentions clearing house certificates. These certificates were issued during the financial panics of 1873, 1893 and 1907, and functioned for a time as a circulating medium of exchange. The article also states that clearing house certificates were first used in the panic of 1857. Are any such notes extant? Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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