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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 4, Number 52, December 23, 2001: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2001, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. SUBSCRIBER UPDATES We have no new subscribers this week. Our subscriber count holds at 414. HAIN COLLECTION OF MASSACHUSETTS SILVER The January 15-17, 2002 sale by Stack's of New York features the most comprehensive collection of Massachusetts silver coins ever auctioned - over 180 different specimens of silver shillings struck in Boston by the order of the Massachusetts General Court. The coins were designed by silversmiths John Hull (1624-83) and Robert Sanderson (1608-93). Advertisements for the auction tout the catalog as "certain to become the definitive reference work for this historically important series," and that is probably not far off the mark. It's an uncommon occurrence for such a specialized collection of rarities to come to market, and catalogues for such sales often become the defacto reference for the series. Would anyone care to nominate the "top ten" catalogs which stand as definitive reference works for their specialties? KANZINGER CIVIL WAR TOKEN GUIDE AVAILABLE Bryon Kanzinger has published "The Civil War Token Collectors Guide", December 2001, 236pp. The book was a runaway bestseller at the recent Baltimore coin show, selling over 700 copies. A price guide to the series cataloged by Hettrick/Guttag and the Fulds, the book also includes useful chapters on token collectibility, design themes, die rarities, errors, varieties, and grading. The book is available in hard and soft covers. For more information, see http://www.civilwartokens.com/ The book is notable from a bibliophilic standpoint due to the method of designating deluxe copies. Exactly one hardbound copy was made for each of the towns which issued civil war tokens. A pastedown in the inside front cover lists the name of the town. These editions were a hot item among seasoned CWT collectors, with many people clambering to purchase the copy for "their" favorite town. One collector bought three copies, one for each of the three towns NOT already represented in his collection, figuring that even if he never finds the needed token, "at least he'll have the book." Publishers have often produced numbered copies of books, but is this the first instance of numismatic literature specially dedicated to a town? EURO COIN DEBUT Ralf W. Böpple writes: "Today, Monday 17, 2001, the new euro coins were made available to the public here in Germany. The money will be legal tender as of January 1, 2002, and will replace the national currencies of the member countries of the euro area. Traditional and historic currencies like the French franc, the Spanish peseta, the Austrian shilling, the Italian lira, and the German deutschmark will thus become a closed chapter of numismatic history! Of course I was among the first to enter my bank branch this morning to trade in 20 deutschmarks for a 'starter kit' (yes, the English term is used in Germany) of euro coins worth EUR 10.23. These kits are now made available all over the euro area, so that the people can get used to the new coins before they will be able to spend them from next year on. These coins are sold in little transparent plastic bags, and due to the different absolute exchange rates in the different member countries, each country has a different assortment of coins in its starter kit. It is predicted that these little packages will soon become a collectible of its own. As you might be aware, the euro coins have the same specifications in each member country, as well as the same obverse. Only the reverse is different, similar to the US state quarters program. Unlike in the US, where this program has already sparked great attention from old and new collectors, this has not happened yet in Germany - one will have to wait and see what happens when the first coins with 'foreign' reverses appear in circulation in Germany (and it will be interesting to see where they come from and how frequently they will ultimately be seen). Also, the numismatic community in Germany has been very busy with promoting the collecting of the soon-to-be-gone deutschmark. So far I am aware of only one catalog in German language that provides possible collectors with detailed information about the new euro coins (with minting dates, mintmarks, minting figures, etc.). Cardboard albums with holes that can be filled with coins plucked from circulation seem to be an American specialty, since I have yet to see one on the market for euro coins. Euro banknotes are not part of the starter kits and will become available to the public only after January 1, 2002. Monetary reform usually comes at the end of years of economic hardship and generally bad times. With the introduction of the euro, this is not the case (at least I would not compare the present quasi-recession with, e.g., the hyperinflatory times of the early twenties of the last century). Let's hope that if I will ever live to see another reform, it will be an experience as positive as this one! A happy holidays season to all of you from Stuttgart, Germany!" PAPER EUROS MAY CONTAIN CHIPS Could the high-denomination Euro notes be the first to contain semiconductor chips? From a PC World article published December 20th, 2001: "As the clock ticks down to the official introduction of the single European currency, word is out that the new banknotes could eventually contain a high-tech security feature meant to foil counterfeiting. The European Central Bank is seeking proposals from semiconductor makers for radio frequency identification chips that would be embedded in euro notes to prevent counterfeiting, according to a report published online in Electronic Engineering Times, citing unnamed inside sources. A spokesperson for the ECB, which is overseeing the replacement of 12 national currencies with the new money, says he cannot immediately confirm the reports. But the ECB has frequently referred to "state-of-the-art" antiforgery measures in the new notes, including raised print, watermarks, and hologram strips. Bankers are concerned that the cross-border use of the money, and its likely adoption outside the European Union as a reserve currency, could tempt forgers and money launderers. In particular, 200 and 500 euro notes are expected to be a tempting alternative to $100 bills for forgers." http://www.pcworld.com/news/article/0,aid,76823,00.asp NEW REPRINT OF LOW'S COINAGE OF MORELOS Adrián González Salinas of Monterrey, N.L. México forwards this notice from The Azteca Numismatic Society (T.A.N.S.) "Plus Ultra" Vol. VI No. 63 Page 6 December 1968: "Members who remit their 1969 dues promptly will receive a valuable reproduction of a booklet originally privately printed (300 copies) in 1886... Authored by Lyman Low and titled: "A Sketch of the Coinage of Morelos". This bonus has been made possible through good management of T.A.N.S. funds; the loan of an original copy by a member and the "at-cost" courtesy reproduction by another member. The study is well worth your annual dues and we believe you will find it a valuable addition to your library. Remember, it will be sent without cost upon payment of your dues. (members who have paid 1969 dues will of course also receive it)." [See The E-Sylum, volume 4, nos. 8, 10, 11 for more on Morelos coinage and the Low monograph and its various reprints. -Editor] CONTEMPORARY PERIODICAL TOKEN SEARCH In an article in the Winter 2001 issue of The Conder Token Collector's Journal, Richard Doty describes his latest research project. "I began wondering what would happen if one were to make the eighteenth-century British magazine a cornerstone of token research. In other words, what would happen if one took every available member of the genre, go over it with a fine-tooth comb for every mention of the token phenomenon from before its beginning until well past its end? What would one find, and would it have been worth the effort?" "The eighteenth-century correspondence magazine was a marvelous invention, the equivalent of the twenty-first century electronic bulletin board and chat room. You could find virtually anything between is covers, month after month, from a curious stone which fell from the sky in Bedfordshire to the proper method of harvesting potatoes in Kent to a curious seal found on Skye - to the latest token from Anglesey." "I'm just at the beginning of this research project, but it does seem worth pursuing, and I'll be sharing my findings from time to time." [It sounds like an interesting and rewarding project - It would be marvelous if more numismatic researchers had the time and patience for projects of such scope. Best of luck! -Editor] MCKENNY-HALL INDIAN PRINTS AVAILABLE In previous E-Sylum issues, we discussed Indian Peace Medals illustrated in the 1872 McKenny-Hall book. Jan Monroe writes: "I recently received a copy of William R. Talbot, Fine Art, Antique Maps & Prints 2002 Catalogue. This catalog reminded me that the last time I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico I had stopped in at their store. They had acquired some books and prints from the estate of James Horan who wrote the McKenny-Hall Portrait Gallery of American Indians (1972). They were able to tell me that the 1972 book was based on the prints in the 1872 edition of the McKenny-Hall History of The Indian Tribes of North America. William R. Talbot is selling the original 1872 prints but they are expensive. Talbot also has a number of other Indian prints and antiquarian books about Indians. William R. Talbot's address in Santa Fe is P.O. Box 2757, Santa Fe, New Mexico 87504 -- email wrtfa@earthlink.net" GOLD ALLERGIES In response to the recent comments on allergies to metals in coins, Myron Xenos writes: "Several years ago, a lady came to my office and sold me all her gold jewelry. She seriously had developed an allergy that caused her skin to turn black. I thought she had some other metal plated with gold, but I tested all the pieces and they were karat gold." NBS WEB MASTER WANTED My one and three-year-old sons are commandeering my computer for their own (or so it seems many days). Upkeep of the NBS web site has suffered, as The E-Sylum has top priority. Would any of our members be willing and able to help out with web site maintenance? For more information, write to me at: whomren@coinlibrary.com. OFFHAND NUMISMATICS IN "A CHRISTMAS CAROL" Joel Orosz sends an appropriate note for the season: "Charles Dickens mentions US numismatics, albeit pejoratively, in his classic Christmas Carol. In Stave [chapter] one, the spirit of Jacob Marley tells Ebenezer Scrooge that Scrooge will be visited by three spirits, on three successive nights, each upon the stroke of 1. Scrooge then falls asleep, and does not waken until the beginning of Stave 2, when he hears the clock striking 12. Scrooge is concerned because it is too dark to be noon, and yet it does not seem possible that he has slept through the next day until 12 midnight. He looks through the window, in an effort to determine the time of day. What follows is Dickens' description of what happened next, found in the fifth paragraph of Stave 2: All he could make out was, that it was still very foggy and extremely cold, and that there was no noise of people running to and fro, and making a great stir, as there unquestionably would have been if night had beaten off bright day, and taken possession of the world. This was a great relief, because "three days after this First of Exchange pay to Mr. Ebenezer Scrooge or his order" and so forth, would have become a mere United States' security if there were no days to count by. Dickens, of course, had no admiration for the United States, the inhabitants of which he considered coarse and buffoonish. Apparently, he had no better opinion of the soundness of American financial obligations. Happy holidays--humbug!" E-SYLUM'S FOURTH YEAR The next issue will bring to a close the fourth calendar year of operation for The E-Sylum. To be perfectly honest, at the outset I really wondered whether we'd have enough material to fill a newsletter week after week. But I needn't have worried. The field of numismatic literature and research is so vast, and E-Sylum subscribers are so knowledgeable, that the E-Sylum often writes itself with reader submissions. So, how are we doing? I may not be able to acknowledge every reply, but if you like, please let me know your thoughts on the past and future of The E-Sylum. Have any of our news items been especially useful or interesting (or timely)? What topics do you like? What topics would you like to see covered? Write to: whomren@coinlibrary.com. JOIN THE NUMISMATIC BIBLIOMANIA SOCIETY If you like The E-Sylum, you should love our print journal, The Asylum. Published quarterly, The Asylum is the official journal of record for the Numismatic Bibliomania Society, and contains many lengthy landmark articles on numismatic literature and research. With the beginning of a new year approaching, now is an ideal time to sign up. Dues are just $15/year in North America ($20 elsewhere). See the end this and every E-Sylum issue for membership details. FEATURED WEB PAGE This week's featured web page is from a very valuable numismatic web site, the Coin and Currency Collections in the Department of Special Collections at the University of Notre Dame Libraries. The page is a general introduction to the Massachusetts Bay silver coinage (1652-1682) http://www.coins.nd.edu/ColCoin/ColCoinIntros/MASilver.intro.html Happy holidays! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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