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Welcome to The E-Sylum: Volume 9, Number 30, July 23, 2006: an electronic publication of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. Copyright (c) 2006, The Numismatic Bibliomania Society. WAYNE's WORDS Among our recent subscribers (and re-subscribers) are Jordan Bell, Bob Evans and Eric Li Cheung. Welcome aboard! We now have 946 subscribers. This week we have some more suggested references on minting technology, and a review of the new "Encyclopedia of U.S. Gold Coins" by Jeff Garrett and Ron Guth. We also learn about several books which include actual numismatic items. There are a couple things that aren't in this issue: Regarding the latest California wildfires, numismatic literature dealer George Kolbe writes: "I nearly sent a note for the big E saying that all is well here, since a number of people have inquired. Basically, the main fire at one time threatened the Big Bear mountain area, 30 miles east. I believe the nearby Lake Arrowhead fire is contained. A good source of local information is: www.rimoftheworld.net." I didn't publish their replies, but I wanted to thank Paul DiMarzio, John Isles and other for responding to Granvyl Hulse's query, published last week in a more general article on Internet forums for general numismatic questions. Paul writes: "Glad to finally be of some use to this publication, although I think we're departing from the topic of bibliomania :-) Maybe the point is that it takes quite a nice reference library to collect and study Roman coins." Back to what you'll find in this issue, we have answers to our query about African-American signers of U.S. paper money, more from Dick Hanscom on striking private gold tokens, an article on coins with moving images, information on the sale of Superior Galleries, and Howard A. Daniel III issues a call for a National Numismatic Museum. To learn about Mazzulla brothel tokens and other numismatic items relating to "ladies of doubtful reputation", read on. Have a great week, everyone! Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society BOOKS AND ARTICLES ON MINTING Larry Gaye writes: "Regarding Jerold Roschwalb's request for books on coin production, I found a wonderful book - it's called Coins and Minting by Denis Cooper. It’s published by Shire Publications, Ltd, the ISBN # is 0-7478-0069-3 and set me back a whole $8.50. It is an excellent little book that shows the manufacture of coins from ancient to modern times including the technologies from hammer and tong to screw presses and beyond. I recommend it highly as it is very informative as well as inexpensive." [I believe Roschwalb has this one â€he mentioned “a brief pamphlet by Denis Cooper, published by Shire in England that is very good.” But thanks for sending us more information on it - it sounds like a great little reference we all should have handy. -Editor] Steve Pellegrini writes: "When Dick Johnson recommended Ron Landis as a contact for die engraving it reminded me that Mr. Landis wrote an interesting essay titled, 'Hand Engraving and Die Sinking.' This paper is included in volume 2 of 'The Medal in America', edited by Alan Stahl. A couple of other references on die engraving can be found in 'Ancient Methods of Coining' by George F. Hill, and in a long article by Victor D. Brenner that appeared in 'The Numismatist'. The Brenner piece is available in an old ANA offprint. I cannot give more details about it because this very thin booklet is currently hiding out in my library and will not be found until it is good and ready to turn up." Roger deWardt Lane, Hollywood, Florida writes: "Someone was asking about the minting process - I remembered that I had an article from Harpers Magazine on the subject on my old computer. Since it is best to give you a URL for a link, I did a Google search on ' Harpers Making Money' I found two articles copied from the Making of America ebook project. I had not seen the first one, as my copy was only the second article in the series. Check it out for your self as it had very interesting information - Full Story Go to the bottom of the list of articles to find the two Harpers and what do you know - the next reference is to The E-Sylum!" BOOK: CANADIAN MUNICIPAL TRADE TOKENS, VOLUME TWO PUBLISHED Serge Pelletier sent us the press release for his latest book - here are some excerpts: "The second edition of “Standard Catalogue of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens, Vol. 2 â€Alberta” by Serge Pelletier, is now available from the publisher. “The significant amount of 2005 issues and a strong market have all contributed” Pelletier replied when questioned as to the reasons behind this new edition." "The 142 page publication is letter size, spiral bound, with a card cover and a transparent plastic protector. It list the some 465 municipal trade tokens of Alberta known to date, in all metal and provides reference number, denomination, year, succinct description of obverse and reverse, metal, mintage and value for each (no values have been given for pure gold pieces)." "A second version of the book contains a CD-ROM with an electronic copy which features colour photographs. The electronic copy is in pdf format. “This will be a great tool for those who collect according to a theme because it can be easily and quickly searched” Pelletier said. These books are available directly from the publisher, Eligi Consultants Inc. Box 11447, Station H, Ottawa, ON K2H 7V1 CANADA, Tel: +1-613-823-3844, Fax: +1-613-825-3092, E-Mail: info@eligi.ca. Standard Catalogue of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens, Vol. 2 - Alberta, Book only version (ISBN 0-9737777-0-2) is priced at $31.94, post-paid for Canada, $29.20 for the United States and $42.45 for overseas. Standard Catalogue of Canadian Municipal Trade Tokens, Vol. 2 - Alberta, Book and CD version (ISBN 0-9737777-3-7) is priced at $41.24, post-paid for Canada, $39.20 for the United States and $52.45 for overseas. Formerly known as “Canadian Trade Dollars”, Canadian municipal trade tokens are community “coins” sponsored by a local non-profit organization and given legal monetary value in a specific area, for a limited time, by the appropriate local authority. They are used as money in normal commercial transaction during the period of validity. These tokens have been issued, however, for commemorative and fund raising purposes since 1958." JAPANESE INVASION MONEY REFERENCES SOUGHT Web site visitor Marcelo Pitta of Brazil wrote to inquire about Arlie Slabuagh's booklet on Japanese Invasion Money. He adds "I'd also like to know if there are Japanese Invasion Money catalogs by another authors." I put my head together with Neil Shafer and compiled the following reply for Marcelo. Does anyone know of any other references on the topic? "A copy of the Slabaugh book is being sold in the August 8th auction sale by Lake Books. See lakebooks.com, lot F53. It is the 2nd edition of 1965. The estimate is $3.00 The book is outdated, but the only other work we know of on the subject is Schwan-Boling's “World War II Remembered”, published in 1995. It covers not only Japanese Invasion Money but all the other numismatic aspects of that conflict. The book is big and perhaps considered expensive at $75." OPINIONS ON DURST PUBLICATIONS PLATES Frank Cornish writes "I just love the U.S. Draped Bust design, and was introduced to it through acquiring two dollar pieces, so I've been looking at all the denominations and found them rather expensive. I'm primarily a gold collector, but finally decided to start learning about cents and half cents, I have Breen's half cent book and noticed the series of Sheldon's original and follow up Penny Whimsy's. I recently purchased the Durst 1990 book (new) and I find the plates to be so dark as to be useless. Is this typical? Or should I send the book back? Are the other editions better?" [I recall being at a coin show one time where a prominent numismatic literature dealer was looking through a stack of recent purchases. Coming across a Durst reprint, he reached in, ripped out the plates and tore them to pieces. Durst reprints are probably fine for books which are mostly texts, but the advice I've been given over the years is that numismatists who require usable plates should look for original editions or reprints from other publishers. I usually add to my library just about any book on U.S. numismatics that I don't already have, but I only have a few Durst publications. I don't know if the print quality has improved in recent years, but from your description, perhaps not. If you love books where you can actually see the coins pictured, the next article is for you. -Editor] BOOK REVIEW: GARRETT/GUTH ENCYCLOPEDIA OF U.S. GOLD COINS 1795-1933 This week I had the opportunity to spend some time with my copy of the new book by Jeff Garrett and Ron Guth, "Encyclopedia of U.S. Gold Coins: 1795 - 1933, Circulating, Proof, Commemorative, and Pattern Issues." Maybe you can't (or shouldn't) judge a book by its cover, but I'll give high marks to the photographer and graphic designer responsible for the gorgeous full-color cover featuring the National Numismatic Collection's example of the 1849 pattern double eagle. The lush illustrated cover and dust jacket provide a taste of the numismatic eye-candy to be found within - glorious full-color photos of virtually every U.S. gold coin struck within the period. A collaborative production of the Smithsonian Institution and Whitman Publishing, the book is based on an in-depth study of the holdings of the National Numismatic Collection, together with the authors' studies of the rare coin market, auction records and population reports. The Smithsonian's Senior Curator of Numismatics, Richard G. Doty, assisted with the project and wrote the book's foreword, where he succinctly summarizes the need for a new book on the topic: "The only publication remotely comparable ... is a six-volume compilation by David W. Akers, which appeared between 1975 and 1982. Published by Paramount, Akers' works are valuable resources, especially for their magisterial coverage of auction appearances and grades. But they had the misfortune of appearing just prior to the beginning of a dramatic rise in the rescuing of early shipwrecks and their precious cargoes - American gold coins, especially those from Western mints. Inevitably, we have gathered much information from these finds which was simply unavailable to earlier scholars including David Akers. Moreover, the photographs that appeared in Akers' six volumes, while excellent, were also limited.... Tom Mulvaney's splendid photographs make a unique contribution of their own. From personal experience, I know that gold is extremely difficult to capture. Tom is perhaps the best numismatic photographer we have." Doty's foreword is followed by an appreciation by Akers himself, who discusses Walter Breen's pioneering 1960s monographs on U.S. gold and his own series of books. Akers writes, "Fortunately for those of us who prize numismatic references, we are now living in the 'golden age' of such books... it is not an exaggeration to say that it is destined to be the numismatic reference work I will reach for more often than just about any other, and I think it should be a part of every numismatic library." The credits and acknowledgements attest to the authors' efforts in compiling and organizing this volume - over seventy individuals, companies and institutions were consulted. The bibliography lists thirty references - all books but one (Ron Guth's CoinFacts.com). As a bibliophile I would have liked to see even more, especially periodical references. I would have been ecstatic to see multiple references to manuscripts, archival material and other less accessible resources. Perhaps these were consulted as well but left out for space reasons. However, the references cited indicate what this book is and what it is not. The appendices list thousands of auctions and certification service reports. The entries, while far from uniform in content, are limited to just one paragraph each, an obvious problem for issues such as the 1933 double eagle - two complete books have already been written about this issue alone. The entries often cite specific examples from collections or auction sales. Each entry also includes summary tables of retail values, auction appearances and population data. What the book is however, is a great one-stop shop for all the pertinent commercial data on any given coin. What the book is not, is an in-depth study of the economic and legislative background of the coinage, or the artists and engravers who created them. If that's what you're looking for, this book is not for you - that kind of information is found only in the book's 12-page overview of U.S. gold coinage and the introductory pages at the beginning of each denomination section discussing designers, specifications, historical background, etc. Although not a book for everyone, I'll side with Akers and make room for this beautiful volume in my library. Many thanks to the authors and publishers for creating this monumental work. The list price is $69.95, but as of this writing it retails for $44.07 on Amazon.com. For bibliophiles, a limited leather edition (500 copies) is available from Whitman for $99.95. Each is individually numbered and signed by the authors. Those prices are a bargain for this beautiful publication. Hardcover: 636 pages Publisher: Whitman Publishing (June 15, 2006) Language: English ISBN: 0794817653 Product Dimensions: 1.5 x 8.8 x 11.0 inches Shipping Weight: 4.68 pounds WHITMAN PUBLICATIONS BUILDING AND OPERATIONS PHOTOS SOUGHT Dave Lange writes: "In my ongoing research into the coin board story, I'm looking for photos and other good quality illustrations of the buildings or operations at Whitman Publications and its parent company, Western Printing & Lithography. Anyone having materials of this sort is asked to contact me at Dlange@NGCcoin.com." FOOD STAMP CHANGE NEWSLETTER INFORMATION SOUGHT Rod Charleton II writes: "Here's an off the wall question that should stretch everyone's memory. Do you or anyone on the E-Sylum list know how many issues of the Food Stamp Change Newsletter were published by Jerry F. Schimmel during the 1980's? I recently purchased the first 13 issues along with two supplement publications. New York State Food Stamp Tokens (1982) and Iowa Food Stamp Tokens (1983). The first issue is dated April 1980 and the last issue, #13, is dated April 1983. Per the newsletter, these were published 4 times per year, January, April, July, and October. I'm very interested in completing the collection for both research reasons and to have a complete set. There's a lot of good info in these newsletters including some very interesting ads. Too bad you can't go back in time and reply to those ads. I've hit the internet and wasn't able to find any information on these newsletters in any shape or form. If you or anyone else knows of where I can get any additional issues or additional supplements I'm missing, please let me know. My email address is rod@depressionscrip.com." [Great question - you've got me stumped. Readers? -Editor] CUSTOM BOOKPLATE SUGGESTIONS SOUGHT Fred Reed writes: "Several weeks ago I asked for suggestions from list members on purchasing custom made book plates for my rather large library. Nary a peep from anyone down line. I just can't believe that nobody among this thousand-member list uses custom made archival bookplates for their collections. If anyone has any ideas for me on this matter please e-mail me at freed3@airmail.net." [Believe it or not, we haven’t had much discussion on the topic in the past. Here are links to a few articles I found in our archives, and links to a couple commercial bookplate websites. Suggestions, readers? -Editor] BOOKPLATES esylum_v05n47a12.html ART OF THE BOOKPLATE esylum_v07n07a13.html BOOKPLATE GLUE esylum_v04n13a05.html Google ads on our web site included links to these commercial sites: bookplates.com bookplateink.com EXHIBITS SLATED FOR DENVER Alan V. Weinberg writes: "Both I and Bob Rhue will have non-competitive exhibits at the forthcoming Denver ANA. Bob will exhibit his splendid collection of selected Hawaiian Plantation tokens. And I will exhibit selected Coloradoiana including what must be the finest collection ever formed of Colorado good- for- trade pocket mirrors which absorbed Jim Wright's collection (once featured in a TAMS publication) and Merlin Bondhus' collection, added to what I personally collected over the decades. Many of these extremely rare or unique advertising mirrors were issued by Colorado saloons circa 1900 and depicted scantily clad ladies of doubtful reputation who plied their wares upstairs in the saloons." SMALLER PRINT RUNS FOR NUMISMATIC BOOKS? Do the trends in philatelic literature reflect those in numismatic literature? He number of new numismatic books has been on the rise, although I don't know about how print runs are trending. Leonard Hartmann, the Louisville, Ky dealer in literature for the stamp hobby writes in his Philatelic Bibliopole Newsletter #143: "One unfortunate trend in serious philately is that books are being issued in even smaller quantities than in the past and may go out of print shortly after the reviews appear. We do not like this for the hobby and will never suggest anyone should buy a book for it's appreciation but only for the knowledge that one is to gain. A book often goes up in price when it goes out of print but then over a number of years it will go down as the market adjusts and new works on the subject appear." CHICAGO COIN CLUB CHATTER AND CLUB GIVEAWAYS As part of our discussion of books containing gold samples, last Week Denis Loring noted: "The 93rd issue of the newsletter of the Chicago Coin Club is entitled "Gold Dust Currency," and a small sample of gold dust is attached!" Bob Leonard writes: "While the Chicago Coin Club appreciates the publicity, for the sake of accurate bibliographic reference I must make the following correction. The monthly magazine (or newsletter, I suppose, though it has a cover and is saddle-stitched), is called the Chicago Coin Club Chatter. The current issue, July 2006, is Volume 52, No. 7. What Denis Loring is referring to is an entirely separate publication, which we refer to as a "giveaway" (it has no title), since we give it away to every one who attends our meeting at the annual Chicago International Coin Fair (CICF). In 1987, we gave out elongated cents. The next year, it was five elongated U.S. and world coins mounted in a plastic strip and stapled to a card punched to fit in a three-ring binder. In 1989, we switched to an example of Odd & Curious Money (starting with leather money, in the form of an embossed token) mounted to a similar punched card, now four pages, with an original article giving the history of leather money. This started a tradition that has continued to 2006 ("Mexican Chocolate Money"). On the occasion of the club's one-thousandth meeting, April 6, 2002, the article covered "Gold Dust Currency" and was accompanied by a small sample of real gold dust (obtained for the club by NBS member Bill Burd) in a dime-size Cointain inside a mini-flip. (We did not consider mounting these under mica, but I was annoyed to discover that Cointains are not made for smaller coins like three-cent pieces or gold dollars, as the small sample really rattles around in the holder.) Carl Wolf, our facilitator from the start, outdid himself in obtaining gold-colored card with sparkling mica (yes, it does have SOME mica) so that the card itself looks like it is covered with gold dust. We made 150 of these and sold the remainders for $5.00 each, but they are all gone now. [I think Denis must have giveaway no. 93--they are all serially-numbered --which led him to think that that was a sequence number.] OTHER BOOKS WITH NUMISMATIC INSERTS Alan V. Weinberg writes: "As to the Eckfeldt-DuBois book containing gold nuggets in a cover insert, the only other American book I've seen to have a similar insert is an old book currency dealer Lou Rasera once showed me: an approx 8" x 11" Massachusetts colonial currency book with an Ex. Fine large planchet Pine Tree shilling Noe 1 variety encased in a clear plastic capsule inserted inserted in an as-made 1 1/2" round hole in the actual cover. I recall that opening the book cover you could see the reverse dated side of the shilling. One of my collecting specialties since high school (I'm 62) has been Mass colonial silver coinage...but not copper or paper." Is anyone familiar with the book Alan describes? At least one U.S. colonial currency book includes examples of actual notes (I have one of these in my library): Potter, Elisha R. & Rider, Sidney S. Some Account of the Bills of Credit or Paper Money of Rhode Island, from the First Issue in 1710, to the Final Issue, 1786… with twenty illustrations. Providence: Rhode Island Historical Tracts No. 8, 1880. (thanks to George Kolbe for the citation). The 1989 book, "Trade Tokens of British and American Booksellers & Bookmakers," compiled and edited by Henry Morris at the Bird & Bull Press, included a set of new tokens representing twelve leading book dealers, including George Frederick Kolbe / Fine Numismatic Books. Kolbe also inserted examples of his token in deluxe copies of his sale 44 catalog in 1990. There are at least two books produced with a medal bound inside. Both were issued by Robert Hewitt Jr. for the Lincoln Centennial in 1909. See the following E-Sylum articles for more information: THE LINCOLN CENTENNIAL MEDAL esylum_v08n08a12.html MEDALS IN BOOKS LED TO TWO ART MEDAL SERIES esylum_v08n09a12.html George Kolbe adds: "As to "other books with numismatic inserts," the list would be long, with many unique volumes, and a number of limited edition runs. There's even one in my October 19th sale: a deluxe edition of the Mazzulla brothel token book with a "Good for One Screw" token mounted on the front cover. I believe there are books all the way back to the 1500s, and earlier in the case of manuscript books, with ancient coins or medallions incorporated into their bindings." BOOKSELLER BOOK's TOKEN DIES FOR SALE Since we've recently discussed coin dies, I thought I'd note that the original dies used in the production of the bookseller tokens from the Bird & Bull Press book mentioned above are available for sale. The following is taken from the seller's web site: "Bird & Bull Press (not published) Newtown, PA 1988 box measures 12 x 9 x 6 inches, mahogany box with token inset on top cover, along with metal plate inscribed as "ORIGINAL DIES FOR BOOKSELLER's TOKENS...BIRD & BULL PRESS". A set of original dies and other items involved in the production of "Trade Tokens of British and American Booksellers & Bookmakers," compiled and edited by Henry Morris at the Bird & Bull Press, 1989, in an edition limited to 300 copies. Morris has also written a 3-page hand-written letter, "Everything one might want to know about the dies for Booksellers' Tokens," with excerpts quoted below. The participants, whose tokens are included here, are: Bird & Bull Press, The Book Press, Dawson's Book Shop, Detering Book Gallery, Enterprise Books, Joseph J. Felcone, Kater-Crafts Bookbinders, George Frederick Kolbe/Fine Numismatic Books, G.T. Mandl (English papermakers), Iris Nevins (marbler), and Oak Knoll Books; the tokens (w/9 duplicates), along with a rough flan, were made under the supervision of Meyer Katz at the Unity Mint in Ambler, PA, from dies engraved by Kenneth Douglas at the Green Duck Co., in Olive Branch, MS. The set of 11tool-steel dies (22 pieces), now coated with a protective lacquer, cost Morris $9800 in 1988, which he considered a bargain..." To read the complete description, see: Full Story MORE ON THE CARSON CITY MINT DIE DISCOVERY Regarding the dies dug up on the grounds of the old Carson City Mint, Eric von Klinger of Coin World writes: "The initial discovery of more than 90 dies was made in January 1999. Staff Writer Paul Gilkes reported on it in the March 22, 1999 issue of Coin World. I wrote a follow-up, on further finds and preservation efforts, in the Nov.10, 2003 issue. There have been periodic reports in the publications of the Nevada State Museum. Lane Brunner, now with the ANA, found an 1876 20-cent die among those that had been dug up, but it was too deteriorated to tell whether it had the doubling of LIBERTY characteristic of the die used to strike known 1876-CC pieces." Hal Dunn writes: "The information provided last week on the Carson City Coin dies is pretty complete. The location of the burial of the dies was north of the mint building. Formerly a parking lot, it is now developed as a small plaza between the mint building and the old First National Bank of Nevada building, which has been incorporated into the museum complex. Had it not been for this development, the dies might never have been found. I have seen a number of these dies and some lead impressions made of the reverses of a double eagle and a quarter. Ken Hopple, the museum’s coiner and operator of Coin Press #1, has attempted to restore some of the better dies, at least so they are identifiable. Unfortunately, some are now no more than blobs of rusted metal." CALL FOR A NATIONAL NUMISMATIC MUSEUM Howard A. Daniel III writes: "I read the item about the Smithsonian with alarm. I have known of their situation for many years, and I have been suggesting to anyone who will listen or read, that we need a National Numismatic Museum (NNM) for the National Numismatic Collection (NNC)! The National Philatelic Museum is a fantastic operation, and the NNM should copy it in many ways. And the NNM might even be able to find a location in the same building next to Union Station! If you think there should be a NNM, please write to your Senator and Representative and ask them to create a bill to have an NNM. There are thousands, if not tens of thousands, of pieces in the collection that are not cataloged anywhere! It is absolutely amazing what is in the NNC! Researchers and writers could do research on the collection at the NNM, and publish it with a small percentage of the profits coming back to the NNM. NBS members could donate copies of their publications to the gift shop, or at least, at a deep discount to it. And duplicates from your library could be donated for a tax deduction and sold in a part of the gift shop. That is enough here now, but if you want to see the NNC come into its own, and to make it available to all numismatists and the public, please work on your Senator and Representative for a NNM. There are some laws that need changing in the bill to make it happen, but it can be done, with some support and guidance to our lawmakers. You will hear and read some negative replies to the NNM, but ignore them, there are ALWAYS people who fear succeeding at everything!" [The U.S. Mint HQ in D.C. was built with the first floor as a planned museum space, but that didn't happen. I was in the old Post Office building next to Union Station recently, but it was after hours. I've never been to the NPM, but the building is beautiful and would be a great location. -Editor] AFRICAN-AMERICAN SIGNERS OF U.S. CURRENCY Michele Orzano, Associate Editor of Coin World's Paper Money Values writes: "In response to the request for information about whether there were any other African American signers of American currency, the answer is a resounding yes. In addition to Blanche Bruce, the names of Judson W. Lyons, William T. Vernon, James C. Napier and Azie Taylor Morton can be found on U.S. paper money. There's a story about the four others in Volume 1, Number 1 of Coin World's Paper Money Values magazine published in the fall of 2005. There's actually five others but shortly after Louis B. Toomer was appointed to the position of Register of the Treasury, the register's signature was no longer used." Julian Leidman forwarded the following list of African-American signers and their dates of office, including National Bank Notes with known African-American signers: Registers of the Treasury Blanche K. Bruce 5/21/81-6/5/85 & 12/3/97-5/17/98 Judson W. Lyons 4/7/98-4/1/06 William T. Vernon 6/12/06-3/14/11 James C. Napier 8/15/11-9/30/13 Treasurer of the US Azie Taylor Morton 9/12/77-1/20/81 Black Owned National Banks Douglas National Bank of Chicago (Charter #12227) 11/4/21-5/21/32 large & small Dunbar National Bank of New York (Charter #13237) 8/28-5/31/38 large & small Benny Bolin writes: "As far as African American signers, James Carroll Napier, register of the treasury from 3/15/1911-9/30/1913 and the first African American to preside over the Nashville city council was a signer. I know him best as an autographer of fractional currency (see my article in the current issue of Paper Money)." THE GAMBIA REDESIGNS BANKNOTES "As part of continuing efforts to improve the security, durability and aesthetic quality of The Gambia’s banknotes, the Central Bank of The Gambia has introduced a new design legal tender banknotes, with effect from Thursday, July 27. In a press release signed by the Governor of The Central Bank, according to the demands of the international best practice, Central Banks introduce significant banknote design and security feature changes every six to eight years. The Gambia’s banknote design upgrade was postponed because of the scheduled implementation of the monetary union in the West African Monetary Zone by July 2005, and the planned eventual introduction of a single currency for the Zone. However, in May 2005, the deadline for the launch of monetary union was rescheduled to December 2009, and since then the Central Bank has been collaborating with its banknote printers, De La Rue Currency, to upgrade The Gambia’s banknotes." "The security features of the D100 would also be upgraded by the inclusion of a silver foil on the front of the note, with the image of D100 embossed into the foil." To read the complete article, see: Full Story PERTH MINT PRODUCES COMMEMORATIVE INCORPORATING MOVING IMAGES The Perth Mint of Western Australia announced an interesting commemorative coin incorporating moving images: "A square coin styled on an early television set, complete with moving images, has been released by The Perth Mint as a tribute to 50 years of Australian television. Struck from 1oz of 99.9 per cent pure silver in proof quality and issued as Australian legal tender, the 50 Years of Australian Television 1956-2006 coin features "lenticular'' imaging effects to portray six television icons from the past 50 years of broadcasting. The Perth Mint is the only mint in the world to issue legal tender coins displaying 'moving' lenticular images. Two previous lenticular issues, the 35th Anniversary of the First Moon Walk and the 60th Anniversary of the End of World War II 1945-2005, became collector's items." "As the coin is moved, the images 'morph' miraculously from one to another in a sequence portraying some of the most memorable personalities and productions in Australian television history." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [Have any of our readers seen these coins? Is the Perth Mint truly the first to produce coins using lenticular images? (We've seen earlier mentions of banknotes with such a feature). The process has been around for decades. At least one token and medal manufacturer uses them (scroll down to item #6: Full Story ) Here's a tutorial I found on the subject of lenticular images: "When looking at a lenticular image, as your angle or view changes you see first one image and then another. If you use enough images, you can actually create a short video-like sequence. Lenticular images have come a long way since their early days. It's now possible to carry a short 1-second "video" in your pocket, or hang it on the wall. As you turn a lenticular image in your hand, or walk by a large one on the counter or wall, the image seems to come to life. Depending on how the underlying photographs were taken, lenticular images can convey the illusion of 3D and/or video motion." lenticular.htm -Editor] BEP CURRENCY ENGRAVER CHRISTOPHER MADDEN PROFILED The Dayton Daily news published a nice article this week about the city native who work for the U.S. Bureau of Engraving and Printing: "When Christopher D. Madden sits down to engrave the images emblazoned on the nation's cash, he sits between centuries of tradition and the promise of technology. On one side of him are steel-edged tools, steel plates, aged magnifying glasses and antiquated equipment that Madden uses to painstakingly engrave pictures of presidents and luminaries, federal buildings and their environs. On the other side are two computers, set side-by-side. With those, he uses a proprietary program to add dashes and lines to a currency design to make that currency harder to counterfeit and easier to print." For years, Madden was told he was part of a dying breed â€the master craftsmen who spend 10 years in apprenticeship, learning the fine, detailed art of faithfully etching images into steel. Now, the bureau has plans to hire two new apprentices in the coming months." "Reminders of the past shape Madden's work. He keeps on his desk an album of some of the great engravings done at the office â€detailed, elegant work by artists history has forgotten. Madden often flips through the book to study how others handled particular challenges. Next to that book, Madden keeps a photo album of the artists â€sometimes imperious-looking men in black-and-white photos who toiled to create the art people handle casually each day." "Reminders of his grandfather's coal mining trade linger, as well. For many years, others in the engraving bureau used cyanide to help make the plates for the currency. And just like workers in coal mines, they used live canaries to determine the safety of their work environment. Now, safer methods are used and the office canaries are simply workplace pets." "He was the bureau's last apprentice until this newest crop. An elder engraver frequently told Madden he was a dying breed. "I'm going to try not to say that to the next generation," Madden said. "This job will stay around in some form, and there's always going to be an appreciation for the American masters who came before us." To read the complete article, see: Full Story [I don't recall reading about the use of cyanide and the tradition of canaries at the BEP. Has anyone else heard of this before? Do I need to go back and read my BEP history books? -Editor] 1792 CENT TRADES HANDS The Associated Press published an article July 21 about the resale of 1792 cent by a West Palm Beach E-Sylum subscriber. "Denis Loring and Donna Levin, of Singer Island, reaped a windfall from a copper 1792 penny the couple bought last year at a Beverly Hills auction for $437,000. Two months ago, the penny sold for a whopping $660,000 to "an East Coast energy company executive" who wished to remain anonymous, said Greg Rohan, president of Dallas-based Heritage Auction Galleries, which arranged the transaction. The couple took home $600,000. Heritage made a $60,000 commission. The coin had originally been owned by descendants of Oliver Wolcott, a signer of the Declaration of Independence and Connecticut's governor in the 1790s, Rohan said. It had been kept for decades in an old tobacco tin. The chocolate-colored rare coin, one of only nine known to exist, bears the date 1792, the inscription "Parent of Science & Indust: Liberty," and the likeness of a woman's head representing "Miss Liberty." "As silly as it sounds, coins like this, you don't really ever own. You get to be a custodian," Loring said Friday. "It was here long before I was here, and it will be here long after I'm gone." To read the complete article, see Full Story WHAT TO CALL PEOPLE WHO MUTILATE COIN CATALOGUES Last week Fred Lake asked: "Is someone who cuts pictures from a coin catalog a "bibliocast" or a "biblioclast?" I have heard both used. I like biblioclast as in "iconoclast." I'm looking forward to hearing from all of your correspondents." Alan Luedeking writes: "I call them idiots." Howard A. Daniel III writes: "The item from Fred Lake about mutilating coin catalogs brought back a bad memory for me. After I retired (for the first time) from the Army in early 1981, I immediately went to the Library of Congress (LOC) on my first civilian Saturday morning. I walked around the central area and slowly found my way to the South Asia section, which has the Southeast Asia publications under it. I found a small group of men working on cataloging stacks of books from "my" part of the world and greeted them. They were somewhat indifferent to me but courteous. I explained to them that I want to start looking for every book in the LOC with anything to do with Southeast Asian numismatics. Some eyes started rolling, and one of them directed me to the index card file. As I found something of interest, I submitted my request form(s) at a central desk, and about 30 minutes later, they arrived at the desk and I was paged. I went through them at a public table, and photocopied the pages. After a few Saturdays, I realized not every reference was in the index cards. At about the same time, one of the men in the South Asia section, realized I was serious, and offered me a researcher's desk and shelving in a research room. I could keep my references until I was through with them instead of returning them at the end of my Saturday of research, even when I was not through with them! This really sped up my research! After a couple of more Saturdays, I was presented with a stacks pass, and I could go into the library and search for the references myself! This was like a pass to heaven!!! I started at A and worked to Z! It only took about two years, and I came out with a little over 5000 photocopied pages. This was a time of 5 Cents per page, and not the higher prices of today! I have tried to replace every photocopied page with the original and I have been about 70% successful. It was a great time, but one of my nightmares was coming across references with the plate pages VERY nicely cut out with a razor blade! It made me sick enough to know someone destroyed a reference book, but it was also not theirs and it was preventing future researchers the use of the plates! I pointed them out to my mentor, and he did some research and he found one name was common for all of the mutilated references! And I knew him, and I knew him to be a jerk too. His name was put on their list of people banned from using the library. I do not know if he returned to the LOC, but if so, I would have loved to have seen his face when he was thrown out of the place! My mentor was and is Dr. Will Tuchrello. He is now the head of the Southeast Asia office in Jakarta, Indonesia. His wife Anita Hibler is also a friend and recently published a book about Siam's (Thailand's) offer of elephants to President Lincoln for the Civil War." SUPERIOR GALLERIES SOLD We recently discussed Superior Galleries' announcement that its numismatic library would be made available to the public. Now the company itself has been made available -- for sale, to another firm. According to a press release, "On Monday, DGSE Companies Inc., a wholesaler and retailer of Jewelry and rare coin products, revealed that it has signed a definitive agreement to acquire Superior Galleries Inc. for $14 million. The company said that, the acquisition, by purchasing all outstanding shares of Superior, will diversify Superior's product lines and achieve cost efficiencies. The transaction is expected to close late in October 2006. The Dallas, Texas based company stated that Superior's current facility would provide the combined entity with a Beverly Hills, California location to expand DGSE's jewelry, diamond and fine watch businesses." "DGSE said that its present management would manage all operations of the combined entity and expects all staff of Superior to continue." To read the complete press release, see: Full Story [So who or what is DSGE? According to Federal filings, "DGSE Companies, Inc. wholesales and retails jewelry, diamonds, fine watches and precious metal bullion products and rare coins to domestic and international customers through its Dallas Gold and Silver Exchange and Charleston Gold and Diamond Exchange subsidiaries and well as through the internet. DGSE also owns Fairchild International, Inc., one of the largest vintage watch wholesalers in the country." Based in Dallas, the company grew out of Silverman Consultants, a jewelry liquidation company. The company reported $35M in sales in 2005. L. S. Smith is listed as CEO and William H. Oyster as COO. -Editor] AUSTRALIAN's GALLIPOLI VICTORIA CROSS TO BE AUCTIONED Victoria Cross fever continues. According to a report, "A rare Victoria Cross from the Gallipoli campaign is set to break auction records when it goes under the hammer next week. The last of nine medals awarded to Australians who fought in the First World War campaign still in private hands, it was awarded to Captain Alfred John Shout, the most decorated soldier with the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). His collection of medals, including the Victoria Cross are expected to sell for between ÂŁ500,000AUD (Australian dollars) and $1mAUD (ÂŁ200,000 to ÂŁ400,000). The current record for the sale of a Victoria Cross is ÂŁ235,250 in 2004." "Tim Goodman, the CEO of Bonhams & Goodman’s who are auctioning the medal said: "Interest in such medals continues to rise. There are more buyers emerging locally and internationally that we expected." "Captain Shout fought in the Boer war and later migrated to Australia with his wife and daughter in 1905. He is said to have lived in Darlington, Sydney where he worked as a carpenter. The-then Lieutenant Shout led a bayonet charge into unknown territory facing continual machine gun fire from the Turks two days after landing at Anzac cove in April 1915." To read the complete article, see: Full Story MORE ON GOLD TOKEN STRIKING Dick Hanscom writes: "I would like to thank Dick Johnson for the information he provided, but part of his reply was a little off-subject as far as my gold problem goes. My problem is that when I melt the gold and pour into an ingot, and then try to roll it to the thickness I need (.6mm), sometimes the gold is porous or brittle, and cracks before I can put it through the rolling mill more than a few times. Even when rolling thinner just the tiniest bit, it will flatten only a little before cracking. The opinions I have received to this problem lean to impurities in the raw gold. I am looking into how to solve this problem, either by melting and using a flux to remove the impurities, or adding a bit of copper to bind the gold. If all this fails, the gold will be sold to a refiner and I will purchase more raw gold and try again (I have purchased and melted enough raw gold to make 70+ 1 DWT tokens, so not all raw gold has this problem). Results can be seen at: ebaygold1.jpg znativegold4.jpg znativegold6.jpg The dies for this token were cut by Charles Arceneaux. As for softening after punching out the blanks and striking, I do that. The first batch of Nome gold rolled out with no problem to .6mm so that I could punch out blanks. I counterstamped an "N" on the blanks before striking. I struck one, and it was too hard. Even just the small "N" counterstamp hardened the blanks. So I softened the blanks again and the tokens struck just fine. The information on hardening and softening steel was very interesting and I guess I will have to look into this when I get further along. I did find a site by Steve G. Adams on die engraving that gives basic information: sga-sculpture-engraving.com It does not tell you "how to", but I have emailed and received some information to get me started. While I agree that I would not pull my own teeth, I also would not do that for entertainment or the learning experience. All I have to lose is a little time and a little money. When my dies are absolutely useless, I can still have some one cut two that will meet my needs." GREEK VS ROMAN FOOT STYLE: WHICH FOOT IS FORWARD ON THE LINCOLN STATUE? Dick Johnson writes: "You won’t be able to see it on the reverse of the Lincoln cent â€or the five-dollar bill â€but there is symbolism in which foot is forward on the seated Lincoln statue in the Lincoln Memorial. It seems if the left foot is forward it is Greek symbolism, if right foot it is Roman symbolism. Now I wouldn’t have known this until I read an article forwarded by my son to carefully study. He knows how interested I am in numismatic symbolism. I learned something from this article. It seems an Ohio dealer in art and manuscripts, Bruce Ferrini, has fallen on hard times and his estate is being sold to satisfy his creditors. One of his assets is the Daniel Chester French statue of "The Minute Man." The "which foot forward" was mentioned in this article. In fact, the Cleveland Plain Dealer reporter, Karen Farkas, made this the lead item. Apparently she thought it would be a so-so story just to relate the bank is foreclosing on the poor guy’s home. But bringing Lincoln into the story adds interest. She was right. For booklovers, the guy’s library of 600 boxes of reference books must be sold as well. "They will be sold on eBay by the auction houses Sotheby's or Christie's or to museums or libraries," a spokesman said. That doesn’t sound like very firm plans yet. If you are interested here’s the path to the article: Full Story " [QUIZ QUIZ: Abe Lincoln does the hokey-pokey! So, all you smartypants numismatists out there - which foot is forward? (no fair peeking at the article)! -Editor] FEATURED WEB SITE: NATIONAL NUMISMATIC COLLECTION This week's featured web site is the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution. Be sure to check out the virtual exhibits! americanhistory.si.edu/collections/numismatics Wayne Homren Numismatic Bibliomania Society Content presented in The E-Sylum is not necessarily researched or independently fact-checked, and views expressed do not necessarily represent those of the Numismatic Bibliomania Society. The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization promoting numismatic literature. For more information please see our web site at http://www.coinbooks.org/ There is a membership application available on the web site. To join, print the application and return it with your check to the address printed on the application. Visit the Membership page. Those wishing to become new E-Sylum subscribers (or wishing to Unsubscribe) can go to the following web page link. |
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