Warner Talso has written a series of articles on a rare and interesting numismatic periodical called The Emergency Money Collector. They are being published in the MPC GRAM, an electronic newsletter for collectors of Military Payment Certificates and other war-related numismatica. With permission I'm republishing them here for E-Sylum readers. This article appeared in the March 8th, 2010 issue (Series 11, No. 1906).
Thanks, Warner! To subscribe to the MPC Gram, write to MPCGram@yahoo.com.
Arlie Slabaugh, Editor, reports that the first issue was a great success. Now he needs contributions from readers to keep the ball rolling. Also, he finds it necessary to raise advertising rates to cover the high cost of printing. Advertising rates are now $1.25 per inch or 3 cents per word. A quarter page ad is $3.50, a half page is $6.50 and a whole page is $12.00.
Arlie announces he is moving from the West Virginia School for the Deaf to Oakland, Maryland.
There is a new feature called "The Question Box" (What a novel idea). The first question is: What is the highest denomination of inflation paper money ever issued? The answer is 100,000,000,000,000,000,000 Pengos issued by Hungary in June 1946. If you have any questions for this feature, send them in!
There is an article on "Unusual Notgeld Issues Of Germany (1921-23)". There are two interesting features of this article. First, the listed issues (14 with various denominations) were all printed on silk or linen. Second, the article was translated from German by Arlie, himself.
The featured article of this issue is the start of a "Catalog of World War II Monies". These are all emergency issues. This article concentrates on National Government Issues. Just think, this article of 3 pages might be the first effort to catalog WWII emergency issues. The ancestor of SB and its' 864 pages Arlie wants to expand this and asks readers to submit input. Future articles will cover private, occupation, and military issues.
Arlie is very aware that there many unknowns yet to be discovered. What is very interesting about this list is that they are mostly coins - about 90%. They are national governments and French colonies. There are two governments listed that are not in SB (by my inspection). These are coins of Bulgaria and Egypt. It is not particularly confusing, but Arlie uses several older terms for countries, e.g., Siam for Thailand.
Advertised for sale is a set of Japanese Invasion Money (JIM) prepared for the invasion of the United States, Hawaii, and Alaska. All notes uncirculated. Nine pieces. No price listed. The seller, Norman Shultz of Salt Lake City, caveats the purpose by saying that this is the opinion of the Numismatic Scrapbook Magazine. Of course, we know that this JIM was used in the occupation of Malaya where the language was English and the money denominated in dollars and cents.
To read the previous E-Sylum article, see:
Wayne Homren, Editor
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