Abe Kosoff's Pricey Coins
Alan Weinberg writes:
One more comment on Abe Kosoff (pictured in the previous article with Charles Wormser). I recall standing next to AK on the floor of a major coin show, likely the ANA or
the NYC Metropolitan show at the 57th Street Parke Sheraton, at that time the 2nd most prominent numismatic show after the ANA.
AK used to, at least in the early 60s, put out only 1 or 2 eye-opening coins in his case for sale, not even priced visibly. He was rather haughty in his stance in my opinion
(unlike the highly approachable Lester Merkin), and I guess AK thought "if you have to ask the price, you can't afford it".
Well, I distinctly recall this time he had an ultra high-relief Roman numeral 1907 $20 in his case marked "available". Though not posted, the price was $250,000 about
the time an 1804 dollar was auctioning for $29K. And a couple of years after I turned down the Brand Brasher Doubloon for $14K from Dick Picker.
AK was always rather high-priced as he largely dealt with an exclusive and wealthy clientele, not the average collector.
Dansco Panama Album #7451 Found
Last week John Okerson wrote:
If anyone has the Dansco Panama album #7451 (not the Panama Type, which is #7452), please contact me at johnokerson@gmail.com .
John adds:
Thanks to the posting, I know of three folks who noticed the text regarding my desire. David Lange owns but one of the albums, but Brian Stickney had two versions of the one I
want and is sending me the older one gratis! He asked that I make a donation to our local coin club – funny since I am currently the President through 2019. .
Thanks! E-Sylum readers are the best. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 : Dansco Panama Album #7451 Sought
Glass 1964 Coin Plates
Ken Berger of San Diego writes:
I also have the same commemorative plate as Dave Hirt's. I bought mine from a fellow collector, Ken Stempien, a few years ago.
In addition, I have another plate. This plate, rather than have coin impressions, has the actual coins. All are dated 1964. The center has an impression of a heraldic eagle.
Along the top of the plate, it says "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA", while along the bottom is "IN GOD WE TRUST". This plate was originally owned by my father.
Thanks. Ken included an image of the latter plate. Here are images of the plates side-by-side. -Editor

LEFT: plain glass plate; RIGHT: plate with embedded coins
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 : Dave Hirt's Yard Sale Finds
Prison Money Publication in the Works
After last week's mention of prison money, I reached out to Bob Hewey about the status of the cataloguing effort he'd mentioned earlier. -Editor
Bob Hewey writes:
As a matter of fact, progress is being made! I am collaborating with Jim Delaney on what we hope will be a free online-only publication. We hope to complete in late 2018 or
early 2019.
That's great news! We'll look forward to its announcement. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
AN APPROACH FOR CATALOGUING PRISON SCRIP (http://www.coinbooks.org/esylum_v17n21a16.html)
Counterstamps and Chopmarks
Taylor Leverage of Baltimore, MD writes:
I am a collector of chopmarked coinage, and had no idea that Mr. Brunk was still alive. I would like to put him in touch with Colin Gullberg, the editor of the Chopmark
News, to try to put some quotes and perhaps a brief interview with Mr. Brunk into the next issue of the News.
Great idea! I put Taylor in touch with Mr. Brunk via Bill Groom. Meanwhile, Taylor shares this cross-interest coin, an 1860-S bearing a merchant counterstamp of unknown origin,
as well as Chinese chopmarks. Thanks. Interesting piece. If coins could talk! -Editor
Jeff Rock of San Diego writes:
I saw the notice in the last issue about Gregory Brunk's third edition. One possibility is to do what we did with the counterfeit halfpenny book that came out a few months
back -- Print On Demand. While it requires an initial investment to get things ready, the sale of the books would pay that back fairly quickly (or one would hope). Surely a club
like TAMS would be able to provide some or all of the seed money needed for the project once the photographs are inserted where they need to be. As long as great profits
aren't expected to be made, this is a good way to go -- the book can be done in full color and priced at under $100.
The other option is to look at making the book a website, perhaps on the Wiki format where collectors can make additions and changes. This would of course save the costs of
printing and postage, and would allow the work to grow over time without going into further printed editions. Having something like this open to the public to view (but with
verification needed to make actual changes) would probably do wonders for the hobby, as new collectors could find it with a Google search and get engrossed in the site and excited
about the field! The Newman Portal could also likely link to it if someone searches for counterstamped US coins...
Can anyone help? I did notify the officers of the Token and Medal Society (TAMS). Two readers have also come forth with offers to pitch in on the costs of publication. It's
a great project that seems to have legs. It would be great to see the new edition get published in one format or another. -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
BRUNK MERCHANT COUNTERMARKS PUBLISHER SOUGHT (http://www.coinbooks.org/v21/esylum_v21n35a08.html)
Leatherbound French Catalogs Sought
Jan Valentine writes:
I'd like ask our readers how many of them have a leather bound Dr. French catalog? To my knowledge no one has tried to find out how many are out there. Also whether there
is a name on the front cover.
Can anyone help? Dr. George French of Rochester, N.Y., sold his collection of large cents to dealer B. Max Mehl for a reported $50,000 in 1929. Mehl published a fixed-price
catalog in May 1930. -Editor
Wheat Cent Circulation Find
Tim Farricy of Syracuse NY writes:
I had a surprising find this week. While taking my change from one of those machines that dispenses coins while the clerk handles the bills, I discovered two wheat pennies.
They won't fund my retirement, but it was unexpected. 1942, and 1950-D.
When I was a kid wheat cents where everywhere, but now they're scarce as hen's teeth in circulation. Nice little find. -Editor
A Signed Breen Encyclopedia
Craig McDonald writes:
I enjoyed reading the recent articles about Breen's Encyclopedia and the marketing/distribution/sale of them.
I pulled my copy off the shelf and looked inside the front cover. My copy was purchased at the New Jersey (GSNA?) show on 6/24/88 and is signed and numbered as the 120th copy
sold there.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
SELLING BREEN'S COMPLETE ENCYCLOPEDIA (http://www.coinbooks.org/v21/esylum_v21n35a14.html)
Club Supports Young Numismatist Travel Expenses
John Ferreri of the Mansfield Numismatic Society writes:
The MNS has realized that youngsters often cannot participate in Young Numismatist events because they need a parent or two to support them. The MNS is in Connecticut and there
is a very good YN program in New Hampshire twice a year at the regional new England Numismatic Association (NENA) show. The trouble is: Mom or Dad can't afford to take time
off from work to bring the YN 150 or so miles to a "coin show".
So, the Mansfield (Connecticut) Numismatic Society has stepped in to support these kids with a scholarship to help pay the expense occurred in staying overnight at the
convention hotel. We also support the Boy Scouts and soon, the Girl Scouts with funds for a day trip. The show promoter and a coin dealer combine to enroll all these YNs in the
ANA for a year's membership. This will be our (MNS) second year supporting these YNs, our future numismatists.
For more information about our initiative and how your club can also make an impact with your local Y.N.’s, please contact us at: oldmoneyinfo@yahoo.com or at P.O. Box #33
Storrs, CT 06268.
Penny Smell Word Jumble
Dick Johnson found another numismatic word Jumble puzzle for us. Thanks. Try it out! -Editor
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: SEPTEMBER 2, 2018 : Buffalo Nickel Word Jumble Answer
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org.
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