One of the Great Pleasures of Collecting
David Gladfelter offers this quotation from the late Colin Narbeth. Thank you. -Editor

"Writing up the collection is one of the great pleasures of collecting. The ability of a collector, his skill at selecting, and his general research can be judged by the finished product. Basically, the collector is setting out to tell a story, illustrated by the notes themselves."
-Colin Narbeth, Collecting Paper Money (London: B. A. Seaby Ltd., 1986), 29.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
COLIN NARBETH (1929-2020) (
Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia Building
John Byars writes:
"A quick look at the city directories shows a few different addresses for the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Philadelphia. The 1300 Locust building is still there and is a four story grand one. It housed numerous other Societies, Reading Rooms, etc.
1867-70 / 524 Walnut
1875-85 / 1800 Chestnut
1893 / S.E. cor 21st & Pine
1898 / S. Broad & Pine
1904 / 708 S. Washington Sq
1905-06 / 312 Chestnut
1910-31 / 1300 Locust"
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: MAY 10, 2020 : Dave Hirt on Riddell, Philadelphia Society (
More on Coronavirus Stimulus Checks
Kavan Ratnatunga passed along two articles on the topic of returning mistakenly-issued coronavirus stimulus checks to the U.S. government. Thanks. -Editor
The IRS said someone who died before receipt of the payment, a non-resident alien or someone who is incarcerated does not qualify for a check. These payments need to be returned if received, the IRS said.
To read the complete articles, see:
IRS stimulus checks labeled 'DECD' sent to deceased people anyway (
Stimulus check: Can you get one and how to find the IRS payment schedule (
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
NOTES FROM E-SYLUM READERS: MAY 3, 2020 : Coronavirus Stimulus Check Spotted (
Query: 1907 Philippine 1st legislative Session Medal
Aaron Dembinsky writes:
"I have been searching endlessly for information on a medal that I have. I have finally found some information that another collector I recently got in touch with kindly provided.
"The medal in question is the 1907 SILVERED BRONZE 1ST LEGISLATIVE SESSION HONEYCUTT-78a.
"I am attaching images the medal I have. I also had the Bronze version which I recently passed on to another collector - the same gentleman that provided me with the below link.
"I was hoping your readers can shed some light on the background of this silvered version of the medal and what its value may be. I see that one sold at auction in March 2019 but I can not find any records of the realized price.
"Any and all information will be really appreciated."
Interesting medal. Can anyone help? -Editor
To read the complete article, see:
Query: Connecticut State Library Pattern Coins
Saul Teichman writes:
"Has anyone imaged the pattern coins in the Connecticut State Library ? I am working on a photo library for many of the U.S. Pattern coins and could use color images of about 57 coins. Any help readers can provide would be greatly appreciated."
Query: Don Taxay
Dave Bowers is putting the finishing touches on a book describing American numismatics from 1932 to date for Whitman. He asks if anyone has further information on Don Taxay. The topic has come up before, but the question of his disappearance and whereabouts have never been answered. -Editor
"A leading light in numismatic research in 1964 was Don Taxay, formerly with New Netherlands Coin Company, who was appointed curator of the Chase Manhattan Bank Money Museum. This museum was operated for a few years, after which the bank donated the coins to the American Numismatic Society. Taxay disappeared from view with some suggesting he went to India to engage in some type of meditation or spirituality."
Query: Privately Printed Numismatic Publications
Robert W. Rightmire writes:
"I'm looking for names of individuals who privately printed a numismatic publication that appeared regularly for at least five years.
"Examples from other collecting fields:
- Political items: C.W. Fishbaugh
- Sport and non sports cards: Jefferson Burdick
- War Covers (philatelic): Delf Norona
- Philately in general: Eustace Power"
Interesting question. I'm sure there are some, but the timeframes can be difficult to determine sometimes. -Editor
Wayne Homren, Editor
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