Elder's James Wilson Saleroom Photo
Dave Hirt writes:
"I was happy to read that the NBS auction did so well. As a former officer, the NBS is dear to my heart. As I read that the Virgil Brand copy of Elder's James Wilson sale got the top bid, I looked up at a framed picture in my library.
"The night before the Wilson sale, Tom Elder held a banquet for the the sale attendees. Virgil Brand is in this picture. It was one of the
few times he ever left Chicago. There are 31 individuals pictured. They really are the whose who of numismatics at that time, 1908. Most in the picture are identified. I was able to identify two or three more. Brand is seated at the table, next to his very good friend, "Uncle Joe" Mitchelson."
A great photo and super documentation of an era of numismatic history.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
The Nation of Celestial Space
Regarding the "Trash Isles" micronation currency,
Paul Bosco writes:
"This reminds one of The Nation of Celestial Space, a/k/a/Celestia, founded 1948. It issued a few coins around 1960, which are listed in Colin Bruce's Unusual World Coins. Its founder, James Thomas Mangan of Evergreen Park, Illinois, sought to preserve the benefits of outer space for all mankind by placing all of the universe, Earth excepted, under his own wise rule. Mangan (d.1970) was not particularly nutty, but evidently was not immune to having some fun.
"A decent web entry:
"Another, from the Smithsonian:
"There is also the expected Wikipedia page.
"His coins in silver brings a few 10s of dollars, the gold ones (2.2gms) a few hundred.
"While my little note gives few chances to err, I believe it is apostrophically unimpeachable.
"There are also coins for the geographically-challenged nations of Europa and Esperanto."
Thanks! Every now and then at an ANA convention, someone will display a set of the coins of The Nation of Celestial Space. A fun set to complete, with examples popping up on eBay and coin auctions periodically. Maybe now exhibitors will augment the sets with challenge coins of the new U.S. Space Force.
To read the earlier E-Sylum articles, see:
LOOSE CHANGE: SEPTEMBER 6, 2020 : A History of Punctuation
Query: Engraved Charles Lindbergh Medals
Steve Bishop writes:
"I'd like the help of The E-Sylum's readers regarding a topic I am researching.
I have seen or own examples of the Hinton-designed medal honoring
Charles Lindbergh used as award medals by adding engraving noting the
achievement of the recipient. I am interested in hearing from anybody
who has or has seen one of these, or any commemorative medal (as
opposed to one specifically designed for it), used for this purpose.
"I note two types so far. The first one pictured is simply engraved with
the additional information. The second type is one in which the
original design has had part of the information included in the struck
version, with only the specific information, such as name and date,
added by engraving. I have seen two examples from
Bronxville High School, and one that was used for an
indoor flying competition. My email address is
Interesting. Can anyone help?
Wishing 2020 Was Over
Tom Sheehan passed along this meme I'm sure everyone can relate to. Thanks.
Collecting REALLY Rare Books
I'm not sure if I published this one before, but our hard-core bibliophiles should appreciate the cartoon I came across this week.
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org.
To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor
at this address: whomren@gmail.com
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