The Oil-Pouring Skill Test Coin
Ted Puls writes:
"While I was in college I offered a Lebanese classmate a few Lebanese coins that I had. He only wanted the holed 5 C denomination. I was surprised that he wanted the smallest and least picturesque coin. He explained that in his village the oil dealer had to prove his skill before selling oil, by pouring the oil through the small hole in the coin and this reminded him of home. The brass coin in the newsletter reminded of this story of many years ago."
Cool story! Thanks.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
More on Dave Bowers' Civil War Token Monographs
A reader writes:
"Actually, the latest Bowers/CWTS book is his THIRD after Engravers and Printers and the Rhode Island book."
Correct, thank you. I hadn't noticed that the Wealth of the South book had been called the second in the series for the Civil War Token Society.
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
More on Brittle Liberty Nickels
Roger Burdette writes:
"Regarding brittle nickels - the planchets were produced by Scovill Co. The cause was eventually traced to excess heat during annealing by Scovill. The company replaced multiple shipments of planchets each time the defect was identified. 1896 was evidently the worst year."
Thanks. Interesting topic!
To read the earlier E-Sylum article, see:
Query: The Coin Collector
Rusty Goe writes:
"In Martin Gengerke’s American Numismatic Auctions (p. 149), he cites listings for a publication titled The Coin Collector.
They are as follows:
04/12/1957 K. O. Cunningham (In The Coin Collector)
01/05/1958 K. O. Cunningham (In The Coin Collector)
03/10/1958 K. O. Cunningham (In The Coin Collector)
08/05/1958 K. O. Cunningham (In The Coin Collector)
12/09/1958 K. O. Cunningham (In The Coin Collector)
I have never heard of this publication from the late 1950s. Its title is obviously very generic. Other publications have included it in their titles. The specific ones cited are from the 1957/1958 period.
David Hill graciously attempted to find information about this publication in the ANS library. He told me the ANS does not have copies of the issues cited. He sent me a scan of the table of contents in Remy Bourne’s American Numismatic Periodicals, 1860 to 1960, in which there is a listing for The Coin Collector. The years of publication extend only from 1950 through 1955.
If any E-Sylum reader has access to the five issues cited above, I will gladly pay to have photocopies of them sent to me."
The Avon Gold Rush Stein
Dave Hirt writes:
"I have one thing that I think is rather neat. A great decoration for a numismatic library. It is a gold rush stein, ceramic and brass by Avon. A 49er panning gold, and other western scenes are pictured. On the brass top is a replica of the reverse of a San Francisco twenty dollar gold piece. The condition is like new."
We were discussing some possible trades. The stein isn't something I needed, but I agree that it's a neat decoration for a numismatic library, and Dave said I could share this with our readers. Here are the photos.
Wayne Homren, Editor
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