The Numismatic Bibliomania Society



The E-Sylum: Volume 27, Number 47, , Article 17


Lugdunum Auction 24 will be held in Switzerland on the 12th of December 2024. The sale features the Wisdom collection of Renaissance medals. Here are some selected lots. -Editor

Lugdunum founder Dr. Jonas Emmanuel Flueck writes:

"The last time such an important collection of Renaissance Medals came on the market was probably 15 years ago (The Stack Collection).

I would like to emphasize here the exceptional character of this collection. First, by the choice quality of the medals it consists of, with numerous contemporary specimens, by their great rarity, some of them being even unique, and finally by their prestigious provenances (Margrave von Baden, A. Chigi, J.R. Gaines, Baron A. de Gunzburg, Dr. J. Jantzen, A. von Lanna, Stack, Franz Trau, Baron R. de Rothschild and Hermann Vogel, etc.)."

  Lugdunum 24 Lot 1 John VIII Palaeologus medal

Lot 1: John VIII Palaeologus, Emperor of Constantinople, 1425-1448. Cast bronze medal , undated (around 1438-1439), Ferrara or Florence. Considered the first ever Renaissance Medal and commemorating the participation of the penultimate Byzantine Emperor at the Council of Ferrara. (Ø 103,8 mm; 300,15 gr.) Bust right, with trim beard and moustache, wearing hat with tall crown and large upturned brim, pointed in front, vest and cloak with falling collar ; hair in long curls // OPVS PISANI PICTORIS. The Emperor on an ambling horse right ; wearing hat as on obverse, holding bow at left, quiver at right side ; raising folded hands as he passes at ride side ; behind him, a page on horseback seen from behind ; in background, rocks ; upper half of design bordered by plain line ending in hooks.

Of the highest rarity in this quality. Possibly one of the best known specimens. Museum piece.

Suspension hole. Extremely fine and sharp contemporary cast

Armand I, p. 7, n°20 (Ø 104 mm); Hill, Corpus I, p. 6, n°19 (Ø 103-104 mm); Hill & Pollard (Kress Coll.) n°1 (Ø 103 mm); Scher (The Currency of Fame) 4.

  Lugdunum 24 Lot 6 Mohammad II medal

Lot 6: Mohammad II (Mehmed II), Sultan of the Ottoman Empire, 1451-1481. Large cast bronze medal 1481. (Ø 120,2 mm; 490,33 gr.) SVLTANI MOHAMMETH OCTHOMANI VGVLI BIZANTII INPERATORIS. Bust left, with moustache, wearing turban and cape // MOHAMETH ASIE ET GRETIE INPERATORIS YMAGO EQVESTRIS IN EXERCITVS. The Sultan, in turban and robes, scimitar at side, baton in right, riding left on horseback ; in background, rocky landscape with two leafless trees and castle in distance ; below, on the ground OPVS CONSTANTII.

To watch the video, see:
The medal of Immortality - exceptional medal for the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II, The Conqueror (

  Lugdunum 24 Lot 17 Giovanni Pico della Mirandola medal

Lot 17: Giovanni Pico della Mirandola, philosopher, 1463-1494. Cast bronze medal , undated (around 1484-1485). (Ø 85,6 mm; 334,71 gr) IOANNES PICVS MIRANDVLENSIS. Bust right, with long hair, wearing cuirass with winged mask on breast // PVLCHRITVDO AMOR VOLVPTAS. Three Graces, nude; in the middle one, seen from behind, head in profile right ; she embraces the others, who hold ears of corn (on left) and a branch (on right).

To watch the video, see:
The medal of Humanism - unique medal for Giovanni Pico della Mirandola (

  Lugdunum 24 Lot 21 Camilla Peretta medal

Lot 21: Camilla Peretta, sister of Pope Sixtus V, died 1591. Cast bronze medal 1590. (Ø 47 mm; 47,65 gr) CAMILLA PERETTA SYXTI V P M SOROR. Bust to right, in veil. Signature D P on truncation // SANTA LVCIA AN D MDLXXXX. Façade of St Lucia at Grottamare.

Extremely fine old cast

Armand I, p. 258, n°27 (Ø 47 mm); Hill & Pollard (Kress Coll.) n°344 (Ø 47 mm).

  Lugdunum 24 Lot 89 Allegorie der Vanitas medal

Lot 89: Allegorie der Vanitas. Ovale Silber-Gussmedaille 1618. (Ø 58,9 x 47,6 mm; 48 gr) NE GLORIERIS IN CRASTINVM. Weibliches Brustbild links, im Haar Schmuckwerk, Ohrgehänge, dünnes Gewand, das die Brust unbedeckt lässt, Anhänger an Schnur. Am Armabschnitt vertieft 1618 // MEMOR ESTO QVONIAM MORS NON TARDAT. Skelett als Brustbild rechts, Tuch um die Schultern, auf dem Kopf Kröte.

  The Trinity medal

The Trinity medal by Hans Reinhart ‘the Elder'. Leipzig 1544. Silver 257 g.; 103 mm. The obverse bears the representation of the Trinity, known in German as ‘the Gnadenstuhl'. God the Father is seated on a richly ornamented throne holding orb and sceptre. Before him, the crucifix surmounted by the dove of the Holy Spirit, Angels and cherubs are surrounding the throne. On the reverse, two standing angels hold a large tablet bearing the famous Athanasian Creed as a long inscription.

This large Silver Medal cast in very high relief, is not only a real artistic tour de force, it can also be seen as a very high value diplomatic present used in a desperate attempt to safeguard peace and prevent one of the first religious wars between Protestants and Catholics in Central Europe.

Although this attempt had not worked out the way Maurice had hoped, and Europe would be almost destroyed by these religious wars for many following decades, this medal, one of only 15 estimated to exist (10 of which are in museums) is for us today an exceptional testimony of an attempt to use the power of beauty and art, in a desperate effort to safeguard peace.

To watch the video, see:
The Trinity Medal - An exceptional silver medal for Maurice, Duke of Saxony (1521-1553) (

For more information, see:

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Wayne Homren, Editor

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