Dick Johnson submitted this announcement and call for assistance in completing his monumental Encyclopedia of Coin and Medal
Technology. -Editor
The language and tasks of numismatics –its terms and techniques – are brought into sharp focus in a new publication, An Encyclopedia of
Coin and Medal Technology. While not in book form yet, the manuscript has been printed in a preprint, manuscript draft format, a rare
occurrence in the numismatic field.
The double column 678-page preprint appears in text only. Because of the technical nature of the subject a great many illustrations are
required. When published the work is planned to have 935 photographs, 772 drawings and additional illustrations created by a new computer
generated process.
It will appear in two volumes, published as a two-volume set, with a third volume planed for optional purchase to include a Study Guide,
numerous appendices and an extensive index.
Preparation of the content has required a 20-year effort by a seasoned numismatist, who has served in six areas in the field gathering
knowledge and insight in each endeavor.
The author is D. Wayne Johnson, who E-Sylum readers will recognize by his informal “Dick Johnson” author name. He has been a collector
(since 1939), a writer (many articles, two previous books), an editor (Coin World’s first), a medal manufacturer (hands-on experience at
Medallic Art Company for a decade), owner of a auction firm (Johnson & Jensen), and curator (Belskie Museum of Art and Science).
His current position is Corporate Historian at Medallic Art Company where he was formerly Director of Research.
It was at Medallic Art when he was being trained in the medallic field that, despite 20 years previous as a collector, he was introduced
to a new world of language and technology. He recorded the first two new terms in 1966, “cartouche” and “cliché.” The two terms led
to hundreds more, each entered in a notebook, destined to contain definitions, explanations, techniques and references.
After retiring from the auction business he had the time to work on this project. The handful of terms grew to 1,854 which covers how
coins and medals are designed and made, the tasks and techniques n every step of the process, revealing the tools and equipment plus how
they are used. Added to this are the types of numismatic objects, terms associated with collecting, cataloging and curating.
The technology covers all areas of die-struck items (and cast medals) from ancient times to the present. From hand-cut dies to computer
generated models and high speed coining. It covers all areas of coins, medals and tokens, all areas of numismatics except paper money.
The high cost of gathering the great many illustrations for the book has led the author to establish a fund for this purpose. He is
offering the preprint manuscript – destined to be considered a rare book –free to anyone who donates $100 or more to the illustration
While the content of the preprint book should appeal to all segments of the numismatic field, its reference value should be considered
extensive and universal even in its present format. It can well serve its purpose until the two-volume is published.
The author has underwritten the cost of printing, and will pay for the postage in mailing. Every cent received will be earmarked for
gathering the illustrations. Since the fees for PayPal and credit cards would pay for another photo, the author is asking for checks
To receive the preprint manuscript send your check of $100 or more and your mailing address to Dick Johnson, 139 Thompson Drive,
Torrington, CT 06790-6646.
As noted in Dick's ad elsewhere in this issue, he plans to add over 900 significant photographs and is commissioning nearly 800
drawings to augment 1,000 of the encyclopedia's entries. This is a monumental work, decades in the making.
The $100 price for early access to the manuscript seems cheap for a work of such importance and utility. I hope many E-Sylum
readers take him up on this offer. This is valuable information for numismatic authors, researchers and collectors alike, not available
in one place anywhere else. -Editor
FLYING EAGLE, INDIAN HEAD, AND LINCOLN CENTS! Small cents are studied in detail in a 330-page feature in the second
edition of MEGA RED (the 1,504-page Deluxe Edition of the Red Book). The second edition includes new essays, updated pricing and
data, thousands of coin photos, new die varieties, and more. Order your copy for $49.95 at at Whitman.com
, or call 1-800-546-2995.
Wayne Homren, Editor
The Numismatic Bibliomania Society is a non-profit organization
promoting numismatic literature. See our web site at coinbooks.org.
To submit items for publication in The E-Sylum, write to the Editor
at this address: whomren@gmail.com
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